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Whacha Doin?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:16 pm
by elaine
I, like most of us, have been teaching Smokey to say lots of things and his vocabulary is steadily increasing and becoming clearer so that even others can understand what he is saying. The latest thing he has suddenly picked up is 'Whacha Doin?' It was a couple of days ago, I came home from work as usual, got Smokey out of his cage and walked into the kitchen with him. All of a sudden I heard 'Whacha doin?' I laughed with excitement and replied, ' I am going to get a drink'. Smokey then replied 'whacha doin' and i repeated ' i am going to get a drink'. We then had a silly conversation of taking it in turns to say 'whacha doin' . We had this same conversation for about 5 minutes. I think I got bored before he did :D . The last couple of days I have had times when the similar thing has happened with him asking the same question 'whacha doin?' over and over again. I find it really funny and it reminds me of when my son was about 3 years old and we had the 'Why" phase. Anyway last night was really annoying. My partener and I settled down to watch a dvd. I got my cuddly blanket, curled up on the couch and the movie started. Now Smokey also loves the feel of my mink blanket so it wasn't long before he joined me. He usually finds a spot where the blanket is a bit bunched up and he also snuggles in. Not tonight. :twisted: He walks up to my face - right in front blocking the tv- and says 'whacha doin'. So I said ' we are watching a movie, snuggle in and be quiet'. To which he replies 'whacha doin?'. I reply, I just told you we are watching a movie so you have to be quiet and be a good boy'. He picked up on the 'Good boy' (he can say that) and said 'good boy, whacha doin?'. This kind of conversation continued for about 15 minutes - I am not joking. While the 'wacha doin' has been really cute and a good game when I am doing something, whilst trying to watch a movie we found it really annoying. Now trying not to get angry at him I said 'Smokey, we are trying to watch a movie, you can stay if you are going to be quiet or you will have to go in your cage'. Then he started 'Yodelling'. He put his little head inside a fold of the blanket and continued to do what sounded like yodelling. He pulled his head out, laughed and then did it again. He found this really funny. It was so funny that I couldn't get annoyed and this was how we watched our movie - in between yodels and whacha doin's. They joy of having a ringneck :D

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:23 pm
by kyria
:D :lol: what a treasure ! .. it sure is a joy having IRN's

Our jordan does the same, but now is onto the "Watcha Doing" "HuH HuH", when I tell him, I'm making food, he says "Ohhhhhh" like he understood me, then he laughs.

Just love them, your smokey sounds like such a treat , can't wait to meet you guys :)

What you doing?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:29 pm
by Bird crazy
I love when they use your own little words on you at the most appropriate times. The other day I was distracted and in a rush and put my hand at Nila to pick him up without saying anything and he said, "wanna step up": stepped onto may hand looked at me when I said nothing he said "good boy" and crawled up my arm onto my shoulder and leaned in a gave a kissing sound at my mouth. These of course are my words to him 99% of the time when I pick him up. So he doesn't let me forget.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:26 pm
by Lauren
Aww.. Good Smokey!! Well done.. peanuts for you! :wink:

Jibby trys to say things too, but it doesn't come out right. He says 'What cha doin CHICKY!' its hard to understand though. Only words he says clearly is 'Chicky!' 'Yeeeah, Yeh, Yeeeah!' (in an annoyed voice.. hmm dont know where he picked that up from. :roll:) and he rarely he says 'Tweet, Tweet, Tweet!', in his sleep he says 'Ooo.. I love you' and 'Jibby Helloo.. Jibby'

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:38 pm
by nichole123
HaHaHa how funny!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:45 am
by Aldeleen
heheheh awesome story!! hehehe made me laugh so much "what ya doin" mhehheh

I have to say that sometimes when i tell people what Pi-ko gets up too they must think im mad-- cos i truely enjoy any story about bird ect and esp IRN'S shame man!! Thats so adorable

I suppose that unless you have one of your own, then you'll get it, otherwise people just think that you are CRAZY!!! Love it man!!! hehhehe