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Bar Spacing is 1 inch toooo BIG!!! Thanks

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:26 am
by Captain Rob
Ok i just found a great deal on a huge cage made by king. The bar spacing is 1 inch. Is this too big for a IRN. I have not yet bought my IRN, I am trying to get everything in order before i get the little guy.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:52 pm
by ringneck
I would get a cage w/ smaller bar spacing. It's not worth coming home to find your baby's head between bars. :(

Best wishes, :wink:


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:47 pm
by Melika
King's Cages can be bought with any bar spacing, smaller spacing can affect the cost but it's worth it.

yes I know this is old, lol. But peeps should know.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:08 pm
by Mikaela
Old or not... anything bigger than a half an inch is like putting your baby on death row, not knowing when his time is up :cry:

These are active, mischeivious creatures. They dont have to look for trouble, trouble looks for them.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:29 pm
by Melika
Yep. But you can order any bar spacing with any cage directly from King's Cages. You could get their macaw size cage with budgie bar spacing. That's my point. I know that a lot of newer bird people don't know that do disregard some companies that could actually give them exactly what they needed. :)