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Sad News from Australia

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:16 pm
by kyria
My husband informed me that my male budgie Brinly was found dead on the bottom of the cage. He is not sure what happened and there seemed to be no injury.

A few months back he injured his leg and I had to quarantine him for a time until it healed and he showed no signs of further issues. I had introduced him back to the other keets a few weeks before I left for the States, so I am not sure what happened.

I have a suspision he was sold to me as a younger bird than he actually was, hence the getting old and hurting himself etc. ? ?

He was alway rather standoffish but was special to me as he was my first English (fat head) budgie, and pioneered the way for the female and my lovebird.

Its hard to know what to feel being so far away. I am just glad I did not find him I think it would be harder to handle, but I don't think its really sunk in yet.

:cry: Goodbye dear Brinly fly free in the Rainbow skies.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:18 pm
by Lauren
Oh Angie! I'm so sorry. Brinly is in that special place now flying freely I'm sure. Must be hard being so far away. *HUGS* :(

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:52 pm
by catschair2
I'm so sorry for your loss, but am glad he flew quickly to the other side.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:23 am
by Datsun and Family
NO! I am so sorry Angie, fly free Brin..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:01 pm
by jobo2mi
So sorry to hear of your loss. We miss them so much when we lose them!