Troublesome Crows! (Ravens)

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Troublesome Crows! (Ravens)

Post by Lauren »

:shock: Every morning for the last week or so, I wake to an annoying banging noise which I thought was just someone working outside. I discovered that my birds have 2 friends (crows/ravens.. big black scary looking birdies) outside that sit on the balcony and walk up to the window and bash their beaks into the glass! I'm worried they will break the window.. one even tried to pick the lock on the balcony door! They are so smart and I just hope they don't break the window. They just sit there and hammer into the window. Jibby and Yoda just sit there and watch them! It was quite funny watching these big birds outside, I've never seen anything like it.. but now I'm worried! They are fascinated by my IRNs. I think these crows are 'together' as they preen each other on the balcony when they have a break from bashing the window.
I think a scarecrow on my balcony would look a lil silly around here. Any ideas on how to get them away from my birds? I don't mind the lorrikeets but these crows are CRAZY! This is just weird! .. and kinda scary.. :shock:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by Peanut »

That is scary! :shock: i hate crows! Here all they do is sit right in the middle of the road everywhere and in parking lots along with seagals and wait for road kill or garbage to eat. Do you feed the birds outside (wild birds)? Maybe that is what drew them in? Or maybe they just like the color of your IRN's? I mean, they are cute and I would want to sit in the window and look at them too! :lol: I cant really tell you why they are smashing their beaks on the window though. Might be an agressive thing?
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Post by julie »

Im not a big fan of the crows/ravens, I took my little girl tiffany to the lagoon to feed the ducks when she was about 2yrs old and a crow/raven swooped down and stabbed a baby duck with its beak and then took it back to its nest, tiffany was trying to feed this little duck at the time.
Maybe if you put a picture of a cat or something like that near the window so they can see it they will go away.
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Post by Lauren »

They are very scary looking birds but stunningly beautiful aswell and they do eat other birds! Thats why I'm so worried. I've tried just shutting the blinds but they still sit there.. waiting.. its just scary!

I never feed any wild birds outside. But a few units over people have bird feeders on there balcony.

These crows are incredibly smart because they keep coming back to the same window everyday and even picking the lock?? I scare them away but within the hour they are back! I think they know exactly what they are doing. Very smart!

I never would of thought I'd say this but I actually want my next door neighbours cat outside on our balcony just to scare them away even though the other day it killed a little bird and left its remains in the stair well! I was absolutely appalled and felt really sick.

Oh my Julie that must of been horrible for you daughter. :(

I love watching these crows but it scares me at the same time. Where can you get a scarecrow? hehe Joking!
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by julie »

I just had a thought , maybe one of those sensor things. I think you can get ones that fart ect. That would probably work,every time they land near the sensor it would make a noise and scare them off. I know the reject shop and places like that have them.
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Post by kyria »

Ok PC who has put a curse on you .. :shock: only kidding .. lol

I hear that streamers or those spinning windmills can help to keep birds away. You know the little shiny windmills kids get at fairs, but you can also get really tasteful wooden ones. the movement scares them, apparently. Worth a try I guess.

oh and then there are those incredible garden spirals that hang and turn in the wind, they look like they are cork screwing downwards through the air, you know the ones I mean.

New stuff that moves out there could be the go.

Other than that can you fit a pitbull at your place... lmao.
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Post by Lauren »

Thanx for the tips!! I'm going to take a trip to the warehouse and find some spinning things.

Thismorning as Yoda was eating his vegie breakfast a crow landed on the window sill and poor lil Yoda got a big fright! Jibby wont hang out near the window anymore. :(

lol. I think my partner would love a pitbull. Not for me I'm afraid.
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by coccinelle888 »

What about those big plastic owls that they use at garden centres and outdoor restuants? ive heard those will keep them away for sure.
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Post by ringneck »

LoL. I really enjoy crows and ravens. They have to be one of the most striking birds-- from intelligence to beauty. I am always fascinated how people can hate crows, I think it is their appearance and their intelligence; it must get under people’s skin. Did you know that crows are probably one of the smartest birds studied? Their cognitive abilities rival that of apes and dolphins. They even make tools!

I wish I could have a crow as pet; however, they are off limits in the U.S. We are not allowed to keep them as pets—which I find completely clueless—especially because hunters are allowed to shot and kill them. This just makes no sense to me! If I could I would keep them!

Best Wishes, :wink:

Imran Chaudhry

P.S. Here are some cool videos of the crows.
Last edited by ringneck on Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kyria »

I don't think I could hate any bird. But if they are becoming a nuisance, deterence measures need to be taken. Like our magpies, people hate them, scared of them because they dive bomb you if you walk past their nesting area at that time of the year, this is bad if it is around school yards etc. But I have one in our yard that comes and digs in the garden with me, we named him Buckley, he brings his family back now and they will all watch me and wait for me to dig up grubs and worms for them.

We have crows and, just like you said, they have that intelligent look about them, very strong and sure of themselves, it was horrible though when they would fly up to the window at my mums place and scare our cockatiel almost to the point of scaring him to death.

I spend hours in the garden and enjoy all the birds, our little blackbirds are my favorite.

I think my favorite bird is a Nankeen Kestrel. Our Australian Kestrel.
Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins. {Pro 10:12}
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Post by ringneck »

It’s funny you should say that crows/ravens dive bomb—I see mocking birds do the same if people get near their nests. It’s really funny how they are so protective—but then again, I would be if I was protecting my family from a predator :wink: .

Every morning around my aviary, in my backyard, we have ravens. They casually sift through my dirt hoping to find some sort of grub etc.. I wish I could get into their minds, see the world from their perspective. Actually, if I could, I would LOVE to get my hands on some Keas! :twisted: I wonder if they surpass the crow/raven in their cognitive abilities? Just their presence is fascinating!

Best wishes,
Imran Chaudhry

P.S. I have never heard of the Nankeen Kestrel, so I looked it up on google! That is one stunning bird! Looks so fast and agile—kina looks like a falcon! Thanks for sharing.
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Post by julie »

The only places we really see them here is at the lagoon and around the sheep paddocks. We get the magpies that are smaller than the crows,they sit at the edge of the grass while we mow it and catch the bugs that are fleeing.
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Post by Lauren »

I don't think I could hate any bird either. I think it just scared me just how smart they are. Picking my lock?? hehe. They havn't been back this weekend. But I'm sure they'll be back. I saw some seagulls (I live across from a bay) ganging up on a crow a few days back. I wondered if it was one of our 'friends'.

I'm torn because I love to watch them. But I can't have them breaking my window and annoying the neighbours with their 'jackhammer' beaks.

Oh my gosh yes they will dive bomb you at the speed of light sometimes around breeding season.

I used to live in an estate with really tall trees (I'm not good with plant/tree names lol) surrounding the entrance. Of course I don't drive so I walked everywhere. I must of looked a bit silly running out to the main street waving my hands and bag around.

A good trick is to put sunglasses on the back of your head and turn your cap around (if you have one) so it looks like you've got eyes in the back of your head. They love to swoop from behind.

I'm not scared of birds but its kind of scary staring at a crow with their beady eyes and sharp beak that ain't going to stop just because your in their way and their heading straight for your face!! You've only got a few seconds to duck your head!!
I've heard of some people getting serious facial and head injuries due to being swooped by crows or magpies.

Funniest swooping bird moment was when I was camping in the Northern Territory. I was sunbaking on a grass patch at a resort and just as I sat up a tiny little birdy, I have no idea what it was, flew straight at my face and I could see that it was going to hurt. I felt its feet touch my nose but it darted straight up at the last second! Lucky lil fella.

We seem to have crazy birds here. :lol:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by giantfoot_truck »

Did you try opening the window when they start bashing on the glass? This might scare them, do it everytime they bash on the glass, it will scare them. If they dont fly away when you open the window, take them in and raise them! lol :lol:

To me, they are not "beautiful"...
But I do agree that they are smart, strong and brave, and have an agile look.

Its my opinion and its what I think, please dont feel upset.

I have seen two crow feeding on pigeon's newly hatched chick on the balcony of my neighbor (the pigeon make nest there), the mommy pigeon not far from the nest couldn't do anything... it was soo sad watching her just sit there and powerless. I tried to slingshot the crow and it scare them away but it didn't hit them. I dont think the chick still survive or not. I even see a flock of crow feeding on dead cat!
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Post by Lauren »

I've managed to scare them away just by standing infront on the window. I don't like opening that window as its stuck and there is no flyscreen due to naughty lil birdys chewing through it.

I would not 'take them in' as they are wild birds and they do kill other smaller birds.

I also have a passion for birds of prey. They have a special beauty about them. :wink:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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Post by giantfoot_truck »

Im kidding! :lol:

They fly away when you open the window anyway so you cant take them in, unless they are previously somebody else's tame pet.

Im not saying bird of prey aren't beautiful, we had a hobby and a lesser kestrel before and they both beautiful and strong. I will post photo of it if I found it.
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Post by julie »

Are you still having trouble with the crows or problem solved ?
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Post by Lauren »

We are still getting 'visitors' every few days but they no longer bash the window. They just sit on the railing making those loud noises as crows do. :roll:
The cat next door has been keeping an eye out for us. :wink: I've also noticed alot of seagulls lately ganging up on crows while flying around the area. It happens every morning while I'm getting breakfast. I'm wondering whether these troublesome crows are annoying the seagulls too!
So yes, they are still around. But seem to be loosing interest in our birds.
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
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