Bathing and Molting question

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Janice L Parks
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Bathing and Molting question

Post by Janice L Parks »

Maybe I'm worrying for no reason, but Prettygirl seems to be loosing a lot of feathers in her molt this time. It seems like she is chewing all the time. I have a dish that I put down for her to bath in, but she really only gets her breast and under her neck wet. I know everyone talks about giving their fid's a bath so I was wondering if I should be getting her soaking wet or just let her do her own thing. She doesn't like the spray bottle. She runs away squaking. I didn't know that she wasn't suppose to have caffeine and she has been drinking coffee from my cup in the morning for a few months. I read that she should not have coffee so now I am scared that I have made her sick or something. She eats good, but she just doesn't look right to me. God I Pray it's just a hard molt.
Janice & Prettygirl
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Post by Lauren »

Just to be sure, take her to an avian vet and get some tests. Always a good idea if something just isnt right. There might not be anything wrong but atleast you have the chance to look after her right. We all make mistakes with looking after our birds. But now you know.

Try spraying her everyday in the cage (remove foods first so they dont soak). Then offer a treat. Maybe she will understand that to get the treat she needs to bath.

When I took my Jibs to the vet when he was going through a hard moult, the vet told me if they loose alot of feathers over a long period it could be related to liver problems. Just to be sure. Go to the avian vet.

I hope there is nothing too serious and that shes just having a hard moult. Keep us updated. :wink:
"Jibby aka Gilbert" Indian Ringneck 13 years "Charlie" Rex Rabbit 1 year
Janice L Parks
Posts: 36
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Location: Corpus Christi, Texas

Post by Janice L Parks »

When you took jib's to the vet was it just a hard molt? Prettygirl is getting new feathers now. My husband said I'm just trying to make my bird sick. We've been married for 30 years and he has told me from day 1 that I worry to much. We move to different parts of Texas because we are guards on gas and oil wells. We check people in and out of the drilling site. I don't know if you know how big Texas is, but we were on the coast for a month and now we are down in the brush country where it's a lot dryer. I was wondering if that would mess up her system. I will take her to the vet just to make sure. Prettygirl doesn't have a cage. We live in a 34' RV full time and there wasn't room for a cage. She would not stay in a cage anyway. My husband made a special wood tray that sets on the back of the couch with perches on it and I have a perch that sticks on the window so she can look outside during the day. She has a swing to climb on and swing. Her wings are clipped so she stays right there in her corner which just happens to be where I sit on the couch. I'm still trying to send a picture, but I can't seem to make it work. Thanks for your help.
Janice & Prettygirl
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Post by Donna »

Janice This could be a hard molt but it could also be hormonal. There is a product that you can get at any Walmart it's call 100%Pure Aloe Juice. I mix it 50 50 with water in a spray bottle and spray my birds once a day with it. It won't hurt them a bet and if they are molting it takes some of the itchy's away. But a vet check still is a good idea.

In Loving Memory
of one special husband and one special bird.

I miss you both
Janice L Parks
Posts: 36
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Location: Corpus Christi, Texas

Post by Janice L Parks »

Thanks Donna, I would have never thought of that. I use to drink a small cup of that juice for stomach problems that I have. I couldn't tell it helped my stomach, but I've also heard that people drink it for arthritis. I know it's great for a sunburn. We use to keep a plant and when we got sunburned you cut off a piece and rub the liquid on the burn. Also dries up cold sores and fever blisters in a day. I will get some this week when I go to Wal-Mart.
Janice & Prettygirl
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Post by julie »

You could take her in the shower with you too if you want,indie loves showers and hates spray bottles.
Janice L Parks
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun May 14, 2006 7:51 am
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas

Post by Janice L Parks »

I guess I was just worrying for nothing. I have been holding Prettygirl and using the spray bottle holding it down so she can't see it. I get wet also, but that's ok. I am going to take here into the shower with me and see how she likes that. Her new feathers are coming in nice now. Thanks for all the help y'll. I'm glad I have a place I can ask for help that I trust. Hope everyone has a good Memorial weekend.
Janice & Prettygirl
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