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The best cuddle

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 6:54 pm
by Kateykat
I just had the best cuddle ever. Was just sitting at the computer, looking through various posts with Silk sitting on my shoulder. Pepper has been watching me from the play stand on the computer desk near me. I reached up to give Silk a scritch and saw Pepper, out of the corner of my eye, climb down and come right to the edge of the table and watch Silk and I. I kept scritching Silk while keeping an eye on Pepper (not letting her know of course!) and she stuck her head forward and was walking back and forth along the edge of the table. So I thought I will just try a step up and see what happens. She stepped up straight away and clambered up my arm onto my shoulder! Bit Silk (which I could see was coming a mile away) and has been sitting there while I type this (for about five minutes). Silk is scuttling around on my lap, making unhappy noises about not being on my shoulder, but I am stoked! Usually Pepper (Miss Lady upon high lol) wants nothing to do with me apart from being rescued occasionally off the floor. Lately though she has been watching me play with the other babes. She won't let me touch her while she is on my shoulder (I tried a tentative finger to scratch her but got scolded by her) but am still really excited cause this is the first time she has come to me and sat on my shoulder!! Yay me!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:02 pm
by CatsChair
Woo hoo :mrgreen:

Yah Pepper

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:02 pm
by Bird crazy
You gotta love these little independant feathered things.
They make me laugh.

Priya has taken to screaming at my Mom if she comes to close to me
when I'm holding her. I have to stop this somehow but it makes me laugh like "back off lady she's mine"

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:24 am
by Lauren
Happy for you. Thats a big step. Well done Pepper. You must be proud! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:24 am
by Mikaela
Our birdies must have been biten by a love bug.... Baby was sweet on me yesterday, lord have mercy!

No reason for him to love me so much but every chance he got for about 10 minutes he would run up to me like a kid asking for a quarter:

'Kiff Kiff Mama, Kiff Kiff... be a good girl' !

If I ignore him he says lol 'you be good, kiff kiff, you be good (what I say when he misbehaves and how I say it)'. Up Up Up, Kiff kiff!'

*we'd kiss off he'd go*

Over and over. I dont know why he cant say 'S' but he cant. He gives his moma kiff kiffs.

Baby's breath be KICKIN!