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Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:16 pm
by Kateykat
I have been adding different fruits and veggies to my fids veg mix this week and have been watching their reactions to certain foods. For example yellow squash? I bet you thought you eat it? Wrong! Yellow squash is best used to drop on your IRN friends head, for extra points do it while they are on the side of the cage looking up at you so it hits them on the beak and makes them squawk. Cherries are great to fight over with your friends too, be sure to growl and grab a piece then run off with it. Don't share corn - ever!
What I did have a good chuckle over was when I gave them some pomegranate. I haven't given it to them before. They went crazy over it! Fishing through the bowls to find more, squawking and yammering away. Blood red juice everywhere, feet, beaks chest. It was a pomegranate massacre. They had a big sugar rush afterward though so I am only going to give it to them sparingly. But sure was funny to watch them.
Anybody else notice that after pomegranate's they go all hyper? Their top 5 favorite foods would have to be
1. Pomegranate
2. Followed very closely by corn
3. Grapes
4. Snow peas
5. Red capscium

Anyone want to add their fids top 5 fruits and veg? I would be interested to see whether IRN all like the same things or which different ones they like best


Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:38 pm
by Bird crazy
What I noticed is that it did not stain my floor like I anticipated it would.

My two tried corn and love it now too. I had tried it earlier and they wouldn't touch it but this past week I gave them some and they went nuts for it.

I'd say it is at the top of their list right now so
1 corn
2 radish tops with the leaves on
3 grapes
4 celery with the leaves on
5 pomegrante or apple would run neck and neck along with sugar peas

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:51 pm
by Dani03
Mine love Poms...what a great treat for them...


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:45 pm
Seedless red grapes
Corn on Cob

They wait for the other to get a bite then try to take it off them, have a mini tug of war. But yes they love the treats. Just not me. YET still trying to get their trust.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:36 pm
by fiona
I personally love pomegranate and was heart broken when fiona wouldn't eat them. I did put some in a bowl with veggies and they disappeared, but she's not a big fan.
She loves raw carrots, dandelion, collard greens, sweet potato....pretty much anything else