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Look what I'm Gettin

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:36 pm
by Guest
5 week old standard poodle puppy!!!! A little girl :D


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:37 pm
by Donna
OOps that was me..


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:02 pm
by Dani03
OMG she's adorable! Name???


Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:10 pm
by Donna
Don't have a name yet maybe I can get some ideas here!!!


Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:04 am
by Mikaela
She is the cutest little gitli ack! Where did that come from?

Gitli is dog in my native lagnuage but it hardly EVER comes before my English.

Dat was weird.

Does she have blue eyes? Looks like it from the pics. Adorable lil gitli pup.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:08 am
by kimtoo
OMG--I want, I want....what a cutie!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:12 pm
by xo Missi
Never been a big poodle fan but all puppies are cute, cute, cute!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:54 pm
by Melika
Standard poodles are awesome dogs. Obedient and loyal- and VERY smart. They were bred as gun dogs, and are very hard workers.

It's the little ones that are neurotic. :D

Congrats on your new puppy.

I do have a question, are you getting it at five weeks or is this just a picture of your puppy at five weeks? I know I would be concerned. Here in FL we have laws against selling or adopting puppies and kittens under eight weeks of age due to past sale of unweaned puppies. If your breeder lets you take the puppy home at five... I would be a little suspicious. :? Just wondering.

New pup!!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:24 am
by Bird crazy
Adorable. :)
And Yes I want one too.
I love dogs but am allergic, but have had good results with poodles :D no rash anytime I've ever been around one unless they just had a bath or flea treament and the chemicals got me.
So I am jealous to the extreme. Turning green with envy and
just wishing I was there so I could snuggle her up.
Give her a few days at your home when you get her and her personality will shine through and a name will pop up that suits her. Unless of course you go more for the traditional human names like Nanette or Madeline since she is French after all. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:57 am
by Mikaela
AWWW sue! You are allergic to doggies? Thats sad baby. Do you like them?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:27 am
by xo Missi
Poodles are supposedly hypo-allergenic :wink:

I am allergic to a lot of dog breeds too and I researched hypo-allergenic dogs and a labradoodle came up. They were bred to serve blind people with dog allergies. They are definetly hypo-allergenic if bred correctly. A lot aren't bred correctly, though. I was playing with one at the dog park and my allergies shot through the roof (I'm highly allergic to labradors. will break out in hives if they lick me and they make me SNEEZE!)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:46 am
by Mikaela
Thats soooo sad! To love doggies and not be able to hug them. :cry:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:14 am
by xo Missi
Some of my allergic reactions I can tollerate. It's mainly labs and Jack Russell's I'm allergic to. I don't really love dogs anymore. Still mending from the terrible experience that happened with Baby. I kind of view them as killers now. It will just take me time to heal, that's all. I know it's their instinct but it's hard to get over when you see it all go down in front of you. I really want a Papillion ( )! I need to go to a breeder and see if my allergies act up bad or not.


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:06 pm
by Bird crazy
Yeah it stinks I'm allergic to dogs. I love them, as I do most pets. I have had a dog in the past when my allergies got so bad I found homes for the birds. Found out it was the chemicals and dogs I was allergic to not the birds. But I had had dogs all my life up till then, crazy how you can develop an allergy so late in life. Or maybe after all those years of exposure they just became so bad I noticed. So in addition to being allergic to chemicals I am allergic to dogs, pecans, and corn of all things along with the ususal mold and dust. Good excuse to make my hubby do the dusting :lol:

I do get a nasty rash around by face if I pet a dog or let it lick me. But sometimes the rash is worth it. Well worth it I might add.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:35 pm
by Melika
Poodles, Shih Tzus, Portugese Water Dogs, Bichons and Schnauzers (I've sometimes seen Rotties added to this list) are dogs that some classify as having hair instead of fur. They are non-shedding (though they do shed, it is so very little we will call them non-shedding) and usually individuals with allergies will not react to them.

Labradoodles are still new. Some pups will come out with non-shedding hair and some will shed. When you make a hybrid (which technically labradoodles can be considered since most of our breeds have been bred separately for so long and have distinguished genetics) you never know what you'll get from one litter to the next. It is not always consistant. As the years pass, more and more breeders are breeding specifically for non-shedders and will not breed labradoodles that shed. But many people don't know that there is a difference and to make a quick buck will and do breed and sell their pets offspring as hypo-allergenic, not knowing there is a possibility a shedding puppy. Or perhaps their dog sheds and they don't know that their dog wouldn't be considered hypo-allergenic even though it is a labradoodle.

Though it's the protiens and dander that one is allergic to, some dogs drop less than others. Many with dog allergies are actually breed specific or can find a breed they don't react to.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:59 pm
by xo Missi
Maltese are hypo-allergenic possibly as well. Cute lil things!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:56 pm
by Donna
Yep I'm getting her at 5 weeks but I am a breeder of standard poodles and have been for a long time. This little girl is going to be a show dog first and she will have all her points and be a champion before she is 6 months old. I'm naming her Darla's Day to Shine for show purposes and D.D. for short. As for labadoodles don't beleive in doing that with any breed. It's just like breeding a ringneck with a Alexandrine (Why)? All a labadoodle is is a designer mut. Sorry Sue no french names because poodles are not french they are a german dog. Used for hunting. People think they are french because it was the French that always put the stupid cuts on them. The reason I'm showing her so young is so I don't have to put that ugly cut on her and I can show her in a puppy cut. I'll have to post pics when we get her show cut in. This has always been my goal to have a show dog I can say I was owner, handler and groomer!! Don't think we'll make it to Westminster but hey this is all I can handle right now. Let me know what ya think about her name. We can always change it :D


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:42 pm
by Bird crazy
I like the name, and see what I know about poodles, german you say
Ya volt, but they are beautiful dogs no matter what.

And I agree that the absurd cut they show adults in is just that, absurd.
The puppy cut is wonderful. And they are so gorgeous with all that curly hair.

So DD, welcome to the flock, er group er pack er welcome!!

Donna please pick her up and bury your face in her neck and tell her "I love you sweetie" and give her a big smooch from me.

Nila would try to nip her little black nose and Priya would stand on top of the cage and just look.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:25 pm
by Melika
I wouldn't really compare a labradoodle with an IRN/Alex hybrid. Dogs are all Canis lupus familiaris. IRNs and Alexs are two completely different species where the crossing will most likely result in infertile offspring. Species are classified as a group that only mates with others of it's kind in a wild setting, that they don't interbreed with a dissimilar bird. There are, of course, exceptions here and there but are not normal.

I know you're looking from a breeder standpoint. I don't like these designer breeds either- it's just silly. Especially the names. The "purebreds" of today though were once just mutts too though. I don't really see a problem with creating new breeds for the needs of today. Just as our older breeds were created to fit the needs of their times, we're making animals that fit ours. People want non-shedding dogs, so they're making non-shedding dogs. I don't like that some are trying to sell them as "rare breeds" and selling them for impressive amounts of money, when really they are just mutts. Mutts are generally healthier (hybrid vigor) and they make great pets just as well as any purebred dog. But a few of the newer breeds added to the AKC listings were mutts not too long ago as well.

Basically, todays mutts aren't bad- they just need to give these poor dogs better breed names.

I work at an animal shelter, so perhaps my viewpoint is very different (perhaps even biased). But I think anyone would be suprised how many purebreds we do get. While I don't see anything wrong with breeding, it would be nice to have some sort of regulation over these backyard breeders who want to make a buck with their 'AKC registered' puppies who may or may not be healthy at all and do not screen their buyers- and those dogs which we eventually see in the shelter system. I LIKE good breeders, they try to improve their breed and continue it. But there are way too many bad ones out there. And many more who think, "I just want her to have a litter before we get her spayed," without thought to where those puppies are going to go.

Hillsborough county in FL gets roughly 60-70 thousand dogs in a year. About 35 thousand of those are owner surrenders. Not strays, but dogs people just didn't want anymore. And many of those people in a few years get another puppy and when he grows up that one goes in the pound too. We turn away a lot of potential adoptees because of their record of owning and 'getting rid' of dogs over the years.

Long and short, I like purebreds and I like mutts. All for different reasons. It's the foolish people I don't like. I have both mutts and purebreds and I love them all. Of course, our mutts and purebreds were all rescues! :D

*steps off soapbox*

Sorry, and I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just stating my opinion on a very complicated topic. I hope ya'll can see it that way too. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:48 pm
by xo Missi
Donna wrote:Yep I'm getting her at 5 weeks but I am a breeder of standard poodles and have been for a long time. This little girl is going to be a show dog first and she will have all her points and be a champion before she is 6 months old. I'm naming her Darla's Day to Shine for show purposes and D.D. for short. As for labadoodles don't beleive in doing that with any breed. It's just like breeding a ringneck with a Alexandrine (Why)? All a labadoodle is is a designer mut. Sorry Sue no french names because poodles are not french they are a german dog. Used for hunting. People think they are french because it was the French that always put the stupid cuts on them. The reason I'm showing her so young is so I don't have to put that ugly cut on her and I can show her in a puppy cut. I'll have to post pics when we get her show cut in. This has always been my goal to have a show dog I can say I was owner, handler and groomer!! Don't think we'll make it to Westminster but hey this is all I can handle right now. Let me know what ya think about her name. We can always change it :D Donna

:? Well the labradoodle isn't really bred for looks or to be a "designer dog"'s origionally bred for handicapped people who have allergies to shedding dogs. I think it's a great reason to "cross".

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:51 pm
by xo Missi
Melika wrote:I wouldn't really compare a labradoodle with an IRN/Alex hybrid. Dogs are all Canis lupus familiaris. IRNs and Alexs are two completely different species where the crossing will most likely result in infertile offspring. Species are classified as a group that only mates with others of it's kind in a wild setting, that they don't interbreed with a dissimilar bird. There are, of course, exceptions here and there but are not normal.

I know you're looking from a breeder standpoint. I don't like these designer breeds either- it's just silly. Especially the names. The "purebreds" of today though were once just mutts too though. I don't really see a problem with creating new breeds for the needs of today. Just as our older breeds were created to fit the needs of their times, we're making animals that fit ours. People want non-shedding dogs, so they're making non-shedding dogs. I don't like that some are trying to sell them as "rare breeds" and selling them for impressive amounts of money, when really they are just mutts. Mutts are generally healthier (hybrid vigor) and they make great pets just as well as any purebred dog. But a few of the newer breeds added to the AKC listings were mutts not too long ago as well.

Basically, todays mutts aren't bad- they just need to give these poor dogs better breed names.

I work at an animal shelter, so perhaps my viewpoint is very different (perhaps even biased). But I think anyone would be suprised how many purebreds we do get. While I don't see anything wrong with breeding, it would be nice to have some sort of regulation over these backyard breeders who want to make a buck with their 'AKC registered' puppies who may or may not be healthy at all and do not screen their buyers- and those dogs which we eventually see in the shelter system. I LIKE good breeders, they try to improve their breed and continue it. But there are way too many bad ones out there. And many more who think, "I just want her to have a litter before we get her spayed," without thought to where those puppies are going to go.

Hillsborough county in FL gets roughly 60-70 thousand dogs in a year. About 35 thousand of those are owner surrenders. Not strays, but dogs people just didn't want anymore. And many of those people in a few years get another puppy and when he grows up that one goes in the pound too. We turn away a lot of potential adoptees because of their record of owning and 'getting rid' of dogs over the years.

Long and short, I like purebreds and I like mutts. All for different reasons. It's the foolish people I don't like. I have both mutts and purebreds and I love them all. Of course, our mutts and purebreds were all rescues! :D

*steps off soapbox*

Sorry, and I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just stating my opinion on a very complicated topic. I hope ya'll can see it that way too. :lol:

Very well put and I totally agree 100%. No one should get offended from your reply. It's basically the facts.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:36 pm
by Donna
Oh Missi and Melika I'm not offended by any comments. Melika you know your stuff girl your right on about how most breeds were mixed to get the pure breds of today. And for breeding the labs with the poodles for the hanicaped is great. What really makes me mad is when someone buys a dog with papers and pays good money for it and then tells me they want to breed it to get their money back. Poor excuse to breed if ya ask me. I have seen some odd mixes out there and I have to wonder what they were thinking. Please don't ever think I'm offended by your opinons I welcome them (you learn more that way) :D

Hugs Donna

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:34 pm
by CatsChair
I like all sorts of animals, just not so sure about some of their owners. Can't wrap my mind around animals as accessories or disposables -- purebred, ancestry unkown or something in between. Hope you all have a grand weekend!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:04 pm
by xo Missi
Great opinions guys! Let's keep the mature conversation rolling! :D One of the many things I love about this forum is that people can voice their opinions maturly and noone explodes or gets all melodramatic. We all try and see each other's views and that's beautiful! So many groups I was member in (for example, a couple Myspace parrot groups) people got all huffy. I'm glad we can all get along. Do you feel the love!

Anyhow....back on puppy topic..... :wink:

Donna, since you're a breeder, what do you know about the "minature" English bulldogs?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:56 pm
by Donna
Missi I don't know much about the min. English Bull dog (didn't know they had one unless it's just a runt of the litter of the standard size breed.) But the EBD's that I groom in my shop most of them have breathing problems (most of your short muzzeled breeds do) along with skin problems, bone and joint problems. Thats all I can tell ya about that breed.


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:21 pm
by Mattls
I want to get a pug. I love pugs.

Boston terriers are good too.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:28 am
by Melika
Donna wrote:Missi I don't know much about the min. English Bull dog (didn't know they had one unless it's just a runt of the litter of the standard size breed.) But the EBD's that I groom in my shop most of them have breathing problems (most of your short muzzeled breeds do) along with skin problems, bone and joint problems. Thats all I can tell ya about that breed.


They can't even reproduce themselves properly. Almost all of them are C-sectioned and the males can die just in the act of mating (overheating because of lack of oxygen due to their smuched faces). If all dogs were left to fend for themselves, this breed would die out first- it's that unnatural.

They can be VERY energetic- so don't think they're lazy couch potatoes!

Like any wrinkly breed, they can get infections in their wrinkles so daily cleaning is a must. They have doggie wipes for this use.

As far as training... this is one of the few breeds I would say is beyond difficult. Some of them just are plain stupid. They weren't bred for brains anyway. Some are smart but just take forever for your command to be pounded into their brains. When I work with these dogs, it's like pounding your head against a brick wall for an hour and then tackling the sidewalk. But when they finally get it (more like IF) it's pretty cool to see a well-behaved EBD.

I don't know about the minis, didn't know they existed. But I imagine they're pretty similar.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:38 am
by xo Missi
Maybe I'd stick with a Papillon then....or, maybe just fids :lol: