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Here's To Steve.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:44 am
by skippie1
Hi all,

I never dreamed I would be making a post like this but here goes:

Here's to you Steve Irwin, you lived a life that many of us frankly envied and you will be sorely missed. If it's any consolation, you left us as you were doing some of the things you loved to do; no lingering, no long final decline. Our sympathy to your wife and kids, they lost a great husband and father.

Skippie (the Birddad)

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:09 am
by kimtoo
Steve Irwin inspired many to embrace wildlife and raised awareness worldwide to the plight of our natural habitats and the animals that depend on the health of those habitats for their survival. I don't think anyone ever questioned Steves "purpose" or mission in life. If we are all here for a specific task, then I would say Steve certainly accomplished the one he was sent to perform. Godspeed Steve. Peace and love to your family.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:51 am
by Mikaela

I had the biggest school girl crush on you. Your wife Terri is beautiful both on the inside and out. My prayers for her to have some peace are with her. I bet she was your best friend. I bet you were an irreplacable husband. My heart aches for her and the baby.

You had a good life mate... the zoo family, Byndi, Terri, all of the zoo family. Despite the fact you were cute as the day is long, your passion was awesome! I too share that manic passion about certain things. You were/are simply adorable. You will be greatly missed.

I bet if you could say anything it would be 'leave the animal be, I was on his territory and made a huge mistake'. You kick ****.

See you in Heaven.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:09 pm
by xo Missi
Yea Steve. You were one of my heros...well, still are! I did envy you and your beautiful family!

You take care of my Baby up there because I'm sure he is starting to become a lil nuisence to God *kisses to you Baby*

R.I.P. Steve-O and I'll get to shake your hand some day!

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:36 pm
by jen5239
Oops, didn't see this when I posted my farewell in the "Misc. Forum." Rest in peace Steve. It breaks my heart that you're gone. Not only for you and your family, but all the animals that won't have the pleasure of meeting you.


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 3:29 pm
by Dani03
Farewell to a brave man...passion for animals...beautiful family...You will be missed


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:53 pm
by angie
Ya checked out on us Mate and we are gunna miss ya .. but ya did it doin what ya loved best .. heres to ya buddy .. Cheers Cobba ! Never gunna be another like ya darlin.

Prayers and thoughts are with your darling family. Those boys sure have a great dad to remember forever, you did more as a dad/husband/friend/animal lover in your life than some men do in a full lifetime.

Miss ya already !