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unusual behaviours

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:28 pm
by Timmee81
I have a 4month old ringneck and he or she has developed some strange behaviours recently.
Maybe its mating season or something, I'm not sure. He/she has taken to destroying his/her toys and get very angry at them. Throwing and lungng at them while making a very angry groaning noise. His/her behaviour hasn't changed towards me at all, although when i rub his/her head and neck he/she submits (lowers body and head right down to a receptive position) and makes these cute little sounds.
My impression is that the frustration towards toys is because its mating season and the whole submission thing being because it is a female and thinking its time to mate.
Its just a theory but wondered what everyone elses thoughts were.

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:57 pm
by Donovan
The bird is probably too young for mating behaviors...
She's just having fun. If she really hated the toys she would avoid them .. not attack them.

That's my take on it

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:53 pm
by AJPeter
Sounds like female behaviour,

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:12 am
by SkyeBerry
My IRN seems to enjoy 'boxing' with his toys - he hits them with his beak. I have read that even if it is aggression, it is a good way for them to get rid of the pent up energy. Alternatively, they can develop self-destructive behaviour or bite you. But at this age I am sure it is play.

The bending down when you scratch does sound like female behaviour but many species of young animals (including birds) will exhibit male/females behaviour at young ages but it is not considered sexual. If two birds bond and they are of the same sex, often one bird will act like the opposite sex. Completely normal.

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:12 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay Always gets stroppy with his toys!, it is how he plays with them, if they can't take a beating, they're not worth playing with, in his book.

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:04 pm
by MissK
Since Rocky moved in with Sinbad (still over the moon on that one :D ) he has really enjoyed the use of Sinbad's big bell. He beats that bell, grabs and yanks it, even hangs and swings from it by his beak. He left a smaller bell in his own cage which saw little use. Go figure. Time will tell if this is a seasonal thing. Bottom line for me, Rocky is making full use of his toy, nobody's getting hurt, he's expending energy without being obsessed, and I would never dream of taking it from him. I might move it since he's bent his tail on the nearby cage bars. I'm thrilled that I provided something he's found fully engaging.

Re: unusual behaviours

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:27 pm
by AJPeter
I know that feeling MissK when they really like something you have bought or made for them, but when Billie wants something she fliies to my shoulder and reaches round and kisses me on the lips!

When l first got her, her tail was 14 inches long but now it is only 8 inches long so l ordered from Northern Parrots one of those new generation Liberta cages Voyager, they quoted a very good price £139.99 plus free delivery but the cannot supply it until June 18th
The cage she is now Drake.