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Boarding Costs?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:55 pm
by puppypundit
I've had my sweet little Berry for two years now and we've developed quite a strong bond. Of course, we have our daily routines and like all fussy, bossy birdies, she knows exactly what she wants and expects things to happen exactly as they always do.

I have to go out of town for a week and had to consider many options for Berry's care.

The avian vet charges $17 per day here (Canadian $ -similar to AUS $ and a little more expensive than USD) Is that the going rate where you are?

I think that is way too expensive. I mean, a whole month's supply of Harrisons pellets is less than that. I asked what I get for my 17 bucks and there isn't even any out-of-cage time for a fully flighted bird! They claim it would be too dangerous.

Pft. Instead, I'm leaving her with a trusted friend. Berry has visited there many times and will be comfortable, I'm very sure.

So, I was just wondering what some of you do for pet-sitting and boarding. What is a reasonable cost in your area and what kind of service does the boarding place offer?

Re: Boarding Costs?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:44 pm
by AJPeter
How do you tell Berry that you are only going for a few days, she will miss you, and pine and even give you up for dead, maybe she will switch her love to the baby sitter. Do you have to go away, Can you take Berry with you?