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A scientist, I'm so proud

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:21 am
by Bird crazy
My little Nila is a scientist. :) I thought he was just making a mess but boy
am I wrong. :? He came from the breeder on Zupreem pellets that are small and different colors. The first week he was with me he would remove the yellow ones and throw them as far as he could. And then I noticed he was eating the yellow ones. :D Now today I moved his playgym to clean and low and behold he had tossed all the green ones. :? He is apparently doing a scientific experiment on how color effects flight time and bounce, it's related to Einstein's theory of relativity e=mc2.

I'm thinking of sending him to MIT, I can foot the tuition I just don't think I can afford the cleaning lady. Anyone know of a grant or scholarship for a bird who needs a daily cleaning lady. :lol:

Sue and Nila

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:11 am
by Dani03
lmao Ah that's great...Prinny is more of a chef...she likes to make her own birdie soup everyday *sighs* and Mummy gets play dishwasher everytime
