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Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:46 am
by SkyeBerry
Must stop banging head against the wall! Imram-c - please find me this emoticon. I know it exists.

I typed another post in feather plucking section - even saved a draft part way through - typed a bunch more and then STUPIDLY went to check the name of the toy Claire linked for me and ...yup...hit the wrong 'x' and lost everything I typed after the 'save draft.' much as I would like to redo that post, I decided I must stop these late night typing sessions. My brain is obviously too old for this.

In short - birds and I are fine. Skye's still a plucker. Glad things are looking up for your bird Imram-C.

Claire/MissK - sorry to read about your little plucking misadventures. I hope all has successfully resolved.

Ellie - Thanks for input re: cotton fibers - I worry about those too. Two strikes - that toy is out.

Claire - like the Bearded Lady toy - Similar but I think better/more preening-like than a leather lace toy Skye already has. So Thank-You.

Donovan - I think it was you who mentioned tiring out behaviour dogs at night before bed. Skye is now a strong flyer. He does circuits around the room with Sunny several times a day. I think I will discuss this with the vet to ensure the adrenaline might not be counter-productive just prior to bed for some reason and then give it a try.

Hallo - Peter - there will be so much to read. I hope all is well with you and Billy.

Melika and all - Still researching re: plucking/remedies - have more links and ideas to share and will eventually finish that post! has been a difficult fall - my health and house health failed but we will recover..Grandma is a different story. Her body just can't keep up anymore. She has rallied back before but she has little time now.

Missing the forum. I will be back when the days become a little more routine and I can sit down to read posts and type before the middle of the night.

Re: Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:50 am
by MissK
Hang in there, Mary!!

Re: Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:52 am
by sanjays mummi
Please do take care of yourself, you don't want nervous exhaustion, or a compromised immune system as a result.

Re: Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:38 pm
by AJPeter
Hallo Mary,

Billie has laid five eggs one she ate and two l replaced with dummies but she is sitting on the eggs, just don't know how l long ought to let he sit on the infetile eggs, 2 x 42 days and 2 x 5 days.
I am hoping she will jsut get bored and give them up.

What's all this about cotton fibres?

Re: Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:46 am
by Melika
Indeed. Life has been insanity lately.

Re: Hi all and thanks to many! Brief update, Missing you!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:17 pm
by SkyeBerry
Hi Sanjays Mummi - thanks for the warning but the compromised immune system is already here. Has been an ongoing battle for some years; but having given up on standard medicine, doing some research and using common sense, my health has steadily improved over the last few years. There was a series of incidents that caused the decline but since those issues are resolved and I seem to have found at least some correct remedies for me, all should be well again - sooner rather than later at this point. :D The birds were supposed to be relaxing. :lol:

MissK - Thanks again.

Peter - Five eggs! Well no doubt she is a girl. I imagine you have received lots of advice. It is my understanding that eating an egg is ok. I can say from experience it has not harmed the several finches that have done it, nor one of my lovebirds. It is not uncommon for female lovebirds to be chronic layers. The will literally kill themselves because their bones and tissues will be robbed of all nourishment to continue egg production. So...with lovebirds, I find it best to let them finish laying a clutch once they get started - at least do not remove the eggs. All but one of my females eventually gets bored. There is lots of info on the net - and I am sure on this site - on how to avoid this hormonal behaviour. You may want to speak to a vet about ensuring Billie's diet has enough calcium. I have a calcium magnesium supplement that was compounded at a regular pharmacy but is at a ratio of calcium and magnesium that is safe for the birds. It is a white powder that is left in their cage in a separate dish. They take it or leave it as they require it. Seems they are pretty smart that way. Some finches will also lay eggs and raise young until they collapse if something is not done to mimic the seasons or diet changes and the removal of nesting material & 'nests' are removed. I have no idea if Alexandrian's have this issue.

Cotton fibers - I asked about a preening toy in the feather plucking section - essentially shoe laces with the little plastic pieces at the end - the have a name but I forget it. Anyway, these laces have lots of these plastic bits all over the lace - It is supposed to provide birds that pick - excessively preen - something else to preen and hopefully the bird decides it is more fun than the feathers. I am always concerned about birds ingesting things they should not. My vet has told me that she will often incidentally find all sorts of things in birds' crops when x-raying for something else entirely. Ellie thought there was also a possibility that cotton fibers/strands might also come off and be ingested. These fibers can cause all sorts of problems in the gut. Claire fortunately provided a better alternative.

update: Grandma passed away last Thursday - it was very quiet and peaceful. She was able to say all her good-byes. She had a good long life. She was 99+yrs.