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Help! My Ringneck is always begging and crying for food!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:48 pm
by TaylahN
Hello all,
I'm a new member of the site, but I have used it many times in the past to find answers about INR's.
My mum and I have started breeding and hand rearing IRN's relatively recently, infact, we are in the process of rearing our first batch of chicks. We have 3: Big Blue, Little Blue and Ghost. As the names suggest, we have two blues and got lucky with an albino in our first batch. They were born on the 23rd of Sep, so they are nearly 8 weeks old.

I have read on many other sites that IRN's don't usually wean until 10-12 weeks when they are being hand reared. However, our 3 have already started the weaning process. They started refusing syringe feeds a week or so ago and have been eating seeds, pellets, vegies ect that we have in dishes in their cage. Also, despite being so young they are already flying. I have read on other sites that they usually start at about 4 months.

The problem we are having is that our albino, Ghost, is continuously begging and crying for food and no matter how hard we try, both offering syringe hand rearing mix, egg & biscuit via feeding spoon, warm and cold veges of many varieties and pallets, he will turn away and refuse everything offered. We have tried leaving him in his cage with his siblings and plenty of different food available but he doesn't do anything. We have also tried holding him and feeding at the same time as out 3 INR's are crazy for hugs.

Any advice? My mum and I are really concerned and its massively frustrating not being able to do anything or know what to do. Our local breeder said to leave them be, we have tried that for some hours but it didn't work and we can't stand ignoring his hungry cries for too long.

Re: Help! My Ringneck is always begging and crying for food!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:56 am
by AJPeter
Try posting again, members may have missed your post