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Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:46 pm
by Kate.24
Hi there,

My little guy Albie is estimated to be about 12-13weeks and has recently come off formula. He hasn't been eating much solid at all the past few days but he is seeming to be doing well. I was told he was and is weaned just was given a formula feed before coming to his new home apparently.

Iv had him 5days and the first 2days I had him he was a little shy coming out of his cage but once he did he was happy to sit on your shoulder and give a few very soft cute calls. Was just adorable.

But now the past 3days of having him every time you go near the cage he calls and calls loudly and as soon as you open the door he is on your hand then on your shoulder quickly. Then he screams and chirps quite loudly majority of the time he is with me. While making all this noise sometimes ear piercing noise he seems to bob a lot and then sometimes settles and fluffs up and tucks one leg up and shuts his eyes and appears to nap then wakes not long after and gets back to making noise. I offer him food or a you to play with but that never lasts more than a second.

Just wondering if this is normal?

He also when he is in his cage if he sees you now or hears you the noise will start. I just covered up his cage as it was getting a bit much and he has settled right down.

Also he sometimes will leap out of his cage on to you happily and other odd times he won't and will try stay away.

Can males all bluff differently or is it more aggression then this sort of stuff?

Just would like to hear people's experience and of this is normal or possibly the beginning of bluffing or just anything because I would really like to know what is going on and if there is anyway I can deter his screaming in a correct good way.

He is also just starting to fly and when he is out on my shoulder and screaming he bobs at my face and also sometimes tries to bit my lips or nose but not in a lunging or bad way it's soft and he does the same to my hands.

Looking forward to some responses :) cheers!

Love love loving the site Thumbs up sign

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:51 pm
by Kate.24
Here are a few pictures of Albie :)

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:02 pm
by MissK
Hi. I have no personal experience with bluffing, so I have to pass to you a link from someone special who knows more than I on this topic:

That said, no, your bird is not bluffing. He is doing something else, though I have no idea what.

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:10 pm
by InTheAir
Sounds like begging.

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:22 pm
by Kate.24
That's what I thought.

He bobs and bobs and I offer him fruit, veg everything and he takes a tiny nibble or refuses it and continues screaming.

I went and bought the food he was supposedly weaned onto but he doesn't seem to touch it.

He will nibble some fruit and seed but I'm still a little concerned he isn't eating as much as he need.

But still this screaming is just getting a bit unbearable just not sure 100% why he is doing it or how to stop it or if I should be concerned?

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:35 pm
by InTheAir
Did you read Melikas post on hand feeding and weaning? It will probably help.

A 12 week old should fly quite well btw.

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:51 am
by Kate.24
I was worried earlier that he wasn't weaned properly and I was considering trying more formula to see but today I sliced some apple and he took bits of it so he is able to eat solids he just won't much.

And he can fly okay I know he should be flying better but I said I didn't want to clip his wings and noticed once getting him home that the people have in fact clipped him but they are growing back nicely and he is getting better and better. Which is a shame and I did not want that at all because I want him to fly.

Just can't seem to figure out with he is screaming and bobbing and if it is begging what he wants because everything I try doesn't work.

And he has plenty of Toys and things and he has a massive cage and gets taken out constantly so I'm just stumped :(

He is healthy just making so much noise

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:04 am
by sanjays mummi
What a cutie!, Sanjay bobs when he is excited, and your chickster seems really excited at coming out and making human contact, as for the screaming, I'm not sure about that, but it shows confidence, Sanjay didn't open his beak, except to eat when he first came. Maybe your bird just needs to learn a few priddy toons?.

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:01 pm
by InTheAir
Have you been weighing your bird daily?

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:39 pm
by Kate.24
No I haven't weighed him but I'll defiantly start.

But iv got some new information which might help.

He is defiantly eating solids. If I soak a plain biscuit in water he happily eats it himself and I also got him a seed block and he gobbled half of it very quickly.

And I'm finding more fruit on the floor so he is defiantly eating enough solids.

And as for attention someone just told me is isn't getting enough but I assure you he does.

I constantly take him out and offer a treat he may have a nibble but still majority of the time out of his cage or in he screams and bobs.

Only time he stops screaming in his cage is if he can't see me and the only time he stops on my shoulder is when he is cleaning and fluffing or sleeping.

He sill can't wait to get out of his cage even though he has a large one filled with perches and toys you name it.

Just don't get why he is screaming constantly!

And I finally got his true age. He is 12weeks

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:49 pm
by Kate.24
Also is it normal for after a little while for him to fall asleep on my shoulder?

He gets covered up at night for the right amount of time that is reccomended but always still falls asleep after screaming on my shoulder

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:08 pm
by sanjays mummi
He probably wears himself out! Its probably comfortable on your shoulder he must feel quite safe and secure to have a nap there.

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:24 am
by Kate.24
He is defiantly displaying good signs as when he is on my shoulder he cleans himself, wing flexes, tails wags, makes noise and constantly naps so I'm pretty happy he is so happy.

He is eating much better now and I'm not concerned at all.

I just wish I knew why he does his crazy screaming chirping on my shoulder so often. Today he did it as normal but after his nap he was dead silent and he stayed calm while I got ready and did my makeup the whole time on my shoulder and the only sound he made was a very soft short chirp when I would talk to him so he is obviously a happy little guy.

Just wish I had an answer for his crazy screaming. Like I can understand why he does it in his cage but why when he is out and why when he is on my shoulder. Iv had to start using ear buds because when he is right there it gives you a headache.

I'm guessing he is just an odd little guy and I may never get answers

Re: Is my guy bluffing or just noisy? is this normal?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:40 am
by MissK
I've read that a weaned bird may revert to wanting the reassurance of feeding as a younger bird gets for a brief time when it comes to the new home. (For what it's worth, again, no actual experience here.)

Also, food on the floor is not really a sign that the bird is eating that food. It could well be the food is being used as a toy.

A third concept and then I'll shush up is that birds do make a certain amount of noise, and a harsh and loud call is natural for a Ringneck.