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Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:28 pm
by Treeboy96
Hey guys I'm new to the website, and irns but not birds, my 14 month
Is very reluctant to go in after he's been out, I've tried tempting but it
Just doesn't work, any help will be greatly appreciated, Ps his cage is
3ft tall by 2 1/2 ft wide. Thanks again :)

Re: Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:41 pm
by InTheAir
Hi and welcome,

I can think of a few factors that could be relevant, but I'm afraid they are all questions.
Is the cage on a stand? How much time does he spend in the cage a day? Does he have lots of foraging and other fun stuff to do in his cage? Does he get lots of positive attention (if he likes attention) when he is in his cage? Does he always get locked in his cage when you put him in there, or do you give him treats and leave the door open so he can come out again sometimes?
Basically, what's in it for the parrot when he goes into his cage? Flying around outside the cage is really nice, so the niceness of going into the cage should outweigh that.


Re: Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:49 am
by Treeboy96
The cage its self is on a sort of cupboard / stand
He has a fair few puzzles in there that I switch up every few days, my mom is in all day n often has him out, just leave the front door open with 2 grapes wedged near the entrance bars. When it comes to gettin him in at night he tends to just not bother with his cage, instead he falls asleep on the chandelier in the living room were everyone is. He's not big on attention at the moment as the him we got him from was to put it simply bird hell lol. Is I basically I've got to make the cage incredibly attractive to him? Sorry for the long reply :lol:

Re: Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:20 am
by InTheAir
Don't apologise, that's a short reply compared to some on this forum! :lol:
Yep, you need to make the cage an awesome place to hang out and sleep. :D

Re: Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:16 am
by Treeboy96
Ahah I'm just a noob :lol: , do you have any suggestions that yours like, I've got some apple branches baking as I type lol he's got a few little trinkets n some brain teasers but that's it :)

Re: Getting my IRN back in the cage after a flight

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:34 pm
by InTheAir
I use a combination of things on my birds, they are very tame and have never been very hard to convince that they should go in their cages though.
We bought them the biggest cages we could fit in the house ... e+new+cage
Nila had a decent sized cage already, but he loves his new cage and goes in there to play and nap all the time.

We set up lots of foraging toys when we are planning to leave them in the cages. They typically get vegetables on a skewer, and various puzzle toys loaded with pellets, a bit of seed and a small piece of fruit or berry. They like finding their treats so they are usually in the cages before we have even finished packing all the toys in.
They both have certain favourite foraging toys that are associated with high value treats, so if Sapphire sees us playing with a pill box she zooms straight over.

Shreddible toys, foot toys and browse. I sometimes jam a couple sunflower seeds into the yucca toys to stimulate their interest.

We also will put them in their cages for a treat and leave the door open so they don't associate being put in the cage with being locked away. When they are locked away, they are still given attention and treats when they are behaving appropriately.

They go to their cages about half an hour before bedtime to eat some vegetables before bed. It's now a habit and they fly over to me or say our names over and over until we get their om noms ready. They also get a couple treats just before their cages get covered.

All that stuff works for our munchkins, I hope some of it might be useful for your guy.