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Holy HECK!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:47 pm
by xo Missi
Ughh!! I just had the WORST experience trying to trim Baby's nails for the first time. She kept trying to pull her lil leg away from me twisting it this way and that. Of course I then have to let it go. Luckily she wasn't biting me. I just had to rant about how terrible this experence was!! You can share stories as well if you'd like *sigh*

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:01 pm
by kimtoo
hi Missy, I only tried once to trim my birds nails or wings. I let my vet be the bad guy now. Two reasons: 1) I am terrified I will nip a blood feather or trim too close on a toe and I know how fast these guys can bleed out, 2) I don't want them to associate a negative experience with ME!

I'm a are brave just to try! did you get her nails trimmed?

Did you have someone to help you? even the vet has a tech hold the bird wrapped in a towel...

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:32 am
by xo Missi
Well, I finished it off *sigh*

So do you like take the birds to te vet monthly to get trimmed? Baby's nails grow *so* quick!

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:26 am
by darkcloudchild
I trim my birds claws. They fight me the whole time, but have gotten better to where it's better now that we don't towel them. They learned that trying to bite didn't get them out of it any faster. Wings on the other hand...I let them stay flighted for my own reasoning, but I would let a vet do it if I had to have it done...little nervous about that ordeal.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:20 am
by surferdon
Use a towel. all you do is put you bird on the front of your shirt and take a towel and wrap him with it. Position the bird like it is on his back and find a toe and cut.!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:16 am
by Mikaela
I leave the dirty work for the breeders, let them be the bad guys. :D

Then I rush in and 'save my Baby from that mean man!'

He falls for it everytime. Im just ducked behind the counter -giggle-

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:33 am
by Dani03
I trim both of mine...wrap them in a towel (making sure they can't see me) do the dirty work and dump them onto the floor into another room. Then I come in and act like I am 'rescuing' them...

Of course I've been trimming nails since I can remember...experience helps here LOL



Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:28 pm
by goro
speaking of trimming max (dog) bit dr. betz and drew blood. He loves every1 but hates dr. betz because he cuts his nail. I think birds are the same way kannah was pissed of and i actually think he was cursing at me when i trimmed his nails.

dani has some good advice but i usually have the vet do mine let them hate the vet makes them trust me more

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:33 pm
by Dani03

Thank you goro...I've had to do nails since I had my first budgie...after a while it gets easy. Except with it comes to Prin...she is ALWAYS hard and it helps to have a helping hand. Wriggle worm there...
