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Indian Ring Neck Family -need help with both birds!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:16 am
by virginia33
Hi All,

I am new to the forum and bird-breeding. Few months ago I got a family (female and male) of Indian Parakeets.
I read a lot for topics related to them and went through many of the posts here but need your help to know am I on the right track.

I try to take good care for my parrots (Sunny and Rashed) but have the feeling I've got problems with both. Please see below:
Female (Sunny):
When we took her home she seemed to be a lovely bird. Generally she is very playful, not shy at all and not scared of anything at all. Few weeks later she started biting and attacking (very very severely). It now continuous for more than two months. I guess she passes through the bluffing stage? Also we bought them a house (part of a tree trunk) connected to the cage to feel more comfortable. As soon as they got the new house they laid eggs. Is this the reason, too, to behave so aggressive? On another hand I am not sure if the eggs are fertile (hope the expression is ok) In the beginning she was staying more in the house but later she is constantly out (as I prefer leaving the cage open and let them fly free) and leaving the male to stay with the eggs. Its been more than a month and still there are no babies? I don't peek in the house as the moment I approach both parrots are becoming very nervous and I try not to bother them.
Do you think Sunny is so nervous because she has got eggs?
Do you think it is normal for the eggs to take so long time (30 days or more)? What to do in case after a week or 10 days still there are no babies? Do I need to remove the eggs?

Male (Rashed):
He is the opposite of Sunny - he prefers staying away from us. Whenever I let him out of the cage flies away from us and stays in places hard to reach, i.e. chandelier, etc. When in the cage - in moment he sees us in the room rushes to his house (the tree trunk). I thought this is normal and he needs time to get used to us and the new place. He even started eating in front of us so I thought its a good sign. But 3 months now and still he is rushing frantically to hide whenever sees us... Recently I saw most of his feathers, towards the tail and the outer ones on the wings are bent. Few feathers fell down while he was flying and is without a tail now(at all). Whenever he tries to hide in the nest Sunny bites him and tries to block the entrance. I am not sure is this the reason for his feathers falling down? Or maybe he is sick?

Please advise me what to do with both of them (and their eggs). I don't mind the bites or the male staying away from us but I am worried these are signs that they are not happy or even worse they might be sick.
Thank you in advance.

P.S. sorry for the long post :)

Re: Indian Ring Neck Family -need help with both birds!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:37 pm
by Wessel Gordon

The average incubation period for IRN eggs is 23 days so I think it's safe to assume that the eggs won't hatch anymore. If I was in your position I would remove the eggs. Considering Sunny's aggressive behavior it might be a good precaution to wear a pair of gardening gloves since she might not take kindly to you removing them.

As for the real reason for Sunny's "aggression" perhaps someone more experienced might have some advice although in my limited experience with IRN's it is not unheard of that a female IRN would defend her nest and territory.

Perhaps by removing the eggs things will get quiet again...also consider removing the nestbox entirely as this scenario might repeat itself every time breeding season comes around.

Re: Indian Ring Neck Family -need help with both birds!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:38 pm
by Wessel Gordon

The average incubation period for IRN eggs is 23 days so I think it's safe to assume that the eggs won't hatch anymore. If I was in your position I would remove the eggs. Considering Sunny's aggressive behavior it might be a good precaution to wear a pair of gardening gloves since she might not take kindly to you removing them.

As for the real reason for Sunny's "aggression" perhaps someone more experienced might have some advice although in my limited experience with IRN's it is not unheard of that a female IRN would defend her nest and territory.

Perhaps by removing the eggs things will get quiet again...also consider removing the nestbox entirely as this scenario might repeat itself every time breeding season comes around.