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Maybe I should build an aviary?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:01 am
by ranechild
I was thinking just now... I have a little sun room off the back of the house with windows. I am thinking... If I make an aviary off the back of the sunroom, I could bring the birds in and out through the sunroom window, then there wouldn't be a chance they'd get away--unless they eat through the aviary. It wouldn't have to be big, but it could be a place for them to safely go get a little sunshine. In spring and fall I could even let them come and go from there as they please. I think Fats would love to fly back and forth between the living room and the sunroom/aviary.

Re: Maybe I should build an aviary?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:27 am
by MissK
It's a really nice idea. You'll want to screen carefully against mosquitos.

I had a kennel butted up to the back of my house for a few years, so my dogs could go into it though the doggie door. One day I had a police safety inspection - they will come over and help you identify security risks at your house - and the officer mentioned that in my area code requires other structures to be a certain amount of space from the house. You might want to look into code before designing your aviary. The officer didn't mind - I had just asked him to have a look around my new house and let me know if anything wasn't right.