Clicker training and biting

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Clicker training and biting

Post by Hyrevere »

Hi all!

Hoping you can help, as I think I have made a mistake somewhere along the line ....

My previously tame, but not touchy feely, 1 1/2 year old male bird, Axis, has recently started to bite. I think this happened as I was unable to interact with him (other than verbally) or let him out of his cage for several weeks (due to dogs being inside). Before that, he used to climb all over me with no problems. Now he bites my ears and when I try to protect myself, my hands, and has drawn blood every time. I have started clicker and target training him and he is actually doing really well.

But I think I have made a mistake somewhere. Now he flys to me (a new behaviour that I didn't teach him, it happens when I am doing something and he seems to want to see what I am doing), but once on my shoulder starts attacking my ear. I end up having to force him to step up (all the while he is attacking my hand). I don't know how to disassociate the flying to me (could be considered a positive behaviour) from the negative behaviour of biting once on my shoulder. I haven't rewarded either of the behaviours (that I can tell).

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Clicker training and biting

Post by InTheAir »

I'm not sure. I'd probably keep treats on hand so I could step him up and give him a treat before he bites me.
Are you familiar with You could try using their pocket sized behaviour guide to help work out what is going on. There may be other environmental influences that are relevant.
Is it an aggressive bite or does he just like chewing your ear?
My girl lands on my shoulder and plays in my hair when I have a hair tye, she thinks it's a toy.

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