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Going away

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:11 pm
by Our baby
Hello people our ringneck is 1 an half years old he is a male startin to get his ring very talkative an smart he knows what no means he pushes it when i say no he looks at me to see if he can get away with it i an my wife went away for amonth over xmas time i drove instead of flyin as i took our baby. some places we could not stay at as they would not let our baby stay in the hotel with us there were alot of places that we stayed at they loved ollie one restaunt even let us take him inside with us in a month i an my wife must go overseas for a month my wife wants to leave ollie with her sister i dont feel safe with that idea i would like to leave him with a lady at the pet shop who is very friendly with ollie how will ollie go being away from us for 1 month

Re: Going away

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:35 am
by Donovan
It depends on the level of interaction he receives. Whatever his situation is while you're away i'm sure it will take him a little while to get back in to his old routine.

Re: Going away

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:04 am
by MissK
Questions (no answers) to consider when deciding who to watch your bird when you go away:

Is the person smart enough to understand your instructions and carry them out?
Do you have reason to think your instructions will not be followed?
Will the person take your bird to the vet if needed?
Can you provide someone else for them to call for advice if they cannot reach you?
Will they make that call if they need to?

Is the environment where the bird will stay safe?
Is there a hazard of getting too hot/cold/lost/catching a disease from other birds?
Will the person change the water and feed the bird as you tell them to?

--Personally, I would rather have family or a close friend watching my bird. I feel that someone who knows me well will already have a sense for my priorities and will have already gotten to know how I like to keep my pets, from me having talked about it in conversation over time. I also feel that family will be more willing to approach me with a problem if something comes up. Someone who is not so close to me may not know how to share unwelcome news or confess they are having a problem. This has more to do with the wacky ways people tend to act and think than it has to do with the personality of the individual. Family has already learned how to discuss difficult things and work together on solving problems. I would specifically have concern that a person, regardless of who it is, might expose my bird to diseases from other birds they are in contact with. If my bird sitter spent much time in a vet office or bird store, I would be more concerned than if the person had exposure to a stable, disease free flock. These are my opinions.