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where can i find a book about indianringnecks?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:50 am
by DABCotterrell
Looking for a book about indian ringnecks,where can
I find a book?

Re: where can i find a book about indianringnecks?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:37 pm
by AJPeter

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Re: where can i find a book about indianringnecks?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:19 pm
by Donovan
I don't believe there is a decent book on Indian Ringnecks. The best thing to do is to research multiple sources.

This forum can be considered a number of sources but there is considerable chit chat involved here so search the forum .. read through threads that catch your attention. Do a forum search for specific questions you have, and google basic IRN stuff. And don't just stop with Indian Ringnecks. Many things that apply to other parrots/parakeets also work with IRNs.

So, don't just look for a book, research all the information you can. Mix in what you learn with your own personality and you'll end up with a great little bird.

Re: where can i find a book about indianringnecks?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:44 pm
by MissK
I mostly agree. I did see a couple IRN books, and I was surprised about it. Still, I didn't think they were good enough to buy. There is a really pricey big book on Asiatic Parakeets, but I hear it has more to do with mutations and breeding than is my taste. Amazon is a good spot to look, also the local book or used book shop.

For my research I read the IRN entry in a number of books, really read this site, and read the IRN entry in as many websites as I could. If you search for the terms Psittacula or Asiatic Parakeet you may get more results, even if you have to sift through them.

ALSO, if you are prepping for buying a bird, be advised there are a few related species also kept as pets that may interest you as well. There are also other parakeets that are not Asiatic. If you're shopping, read as much as you can find because once you bring the bird home, it's too late to realize there was a better choice out there. Not saying IRNs are not great - clearly, my bird is the one for me- but you don't know what'[s out there till you look.