Is my irn ready for the next step

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Rebecca harry
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Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by Rebecca harry »

Earlier this morning my irn flew up into my kids bedroom. When i went up to try and get him he out he was just flying around the bedroom. With him not being tame i used a coat hanger as a kind of perch to get him to step uo on. Took a few attempts. Where i was placing it against his belly. He did give it a little bite and stepped up. He was nasty or gave a nasty bite. Just the kind to see if it was safe. I tried walking out the riom with him but flew off on the third attemt. He trusted me and i took him out te room and he flew back down stairs. Was this a good sign or bacause he was scared of the surroundings and tierd frim flying around. Thanks
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by AJPeter »

You need to work at training him to step up before you let him fly around, check out the forum ideas.
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by MissK »

Rebecca, I'm having a little trouble interpreting your post.

It sounds like the bird flew to an area of the house where you did not want him to be, so you tried to get him to step up on a coat hanger to be moved. He bit the hanger and stepped up, though he would not stay on the coat hanger. Then he did decide to fly back where he is desired to be. Is that right?

Your question was: Is that a good sign or was it evidence he was scared or tired? Is that right? A good sign for what, were you thinking?

I think the hanger was a difficult choice for him - very thin, no traction. I think quite possible if you had used a perch he is used to he may have let you move him. I disagree with AJ in that I believe you are fine to let the bird out as long as he follows a lure OR you have infinite time to wait for him to get hungry and go home for food. I think the bird left the child's room, most likely, because he was in a novel (ie, uncertain) space and you were asking him to do things that he was not entirely comfortable doing. He may very well have gone back to the familiar territory for reassurance, or it may have just been the next stop in his domestic tour.

If that answers the question, then good! If not, please rephrase and I'll try again.
Rebecca harry
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by Rebecca harry »

Hiya. Yes. I dont allow them in my childrens bedroom. There have acsess to all rooms downstairs. So they can come and go as they wish. Although they never leave our living room where there cage is. I used coat hanger because it was first thing to hand. As there wings are not clipped eaither. Because i dont kike that. I was afraid he would hurt himself flying around. He seemed happy with me getting him to step up. He wasnt nasty or try to bit agressivly. I wld like to try step up with my fingure. What do you think. Im not sure. Hes feeding out my hand. And seeds from a flat hand. Also when i squirt him with water hell stay still and not fly away from it. He loves it. My female is a little more shy
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by MissK »

If he eats out of your hand then I have confidence he will step up to the hand when he's ready. Why not offer him seeds in the hand, but hold it so he needs to put a foot on it to get them. From there you just have him step up onto the hand, and once he is there (over time) you shape the behaviour to being on your finger.
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by InTheAir »

Here's a video of Sapphire when she was learning to step up. She was still pretty wary of me, so I kept leaning on her perch to keep it steady and let her climb straight back to her perch when she wanted to. It's hard to see past the water dish, but the birds convenience was more important than the video at that stage!
Rebecca harry
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Re: Is my irn ready for the next step

Post by Rebecca harry »

Ahe beautifull. I will try that today. They love sunflower seeds. And apples ill try both and see what i get from him. Hopefull it will make my famale less timid aswell. She (mini) will be the first to to take from what in your fingures but my male( jack0) is more brave to take from a flat hand and come closer to my hand. She will thn follow what jacko is doing. May i ask aswell. My partner work all day so its me that spends all time with thm. He talk to thm every night and will eat from him. But the min he opens cage they go balistic
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