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ultra high sound

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:57 pm
by AJPeter
Can birds hear high pitch sounds? I am thinking about dog whistles, a dog can hear the whistle over a mile away depending on wind and over water more like two miles. We sold dog whistles in the pet shop and people would bring them back becasue they did not work but you have to train your dog to come when they hear the whistlte and if birds can hear the whistle it would be posiibly for them to be trained to come back.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:51 am
by SkyeBerry
Hi...letting you know I am checking your posts. No one responded to this. Hmmm. Dare I state that I have also wondered this??? And for the same reason you mention.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:47 pm
by AJPeter
I did post it again some where else and l think Zentoucan replied. But it would be interersting to find if our birds could hear the ultra high sound. When a cage bird takes off it does not look to see where it is going but makes for some high place and then realizes that is is lost.

When l worked in the pet shop as manager l used to take our shop parrot on my shoulder down to the front of the shop for him to get a breath of fresh air. One day a previous manager told me how she used to take the parrot out of the shop on her shoulder and her flew off and landed on a high building, she called for over two hours and was jolly luck he came back down I never risked it again after that.

The kids used to teach our parrot to swear and customers would say to me is your parrot saying what l think he is saying?
And l would answer "Only people with dirty minds would think that, what the parrot is saying is "Fraggle Rock!"

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:05 am
by SkyeBerry
AJ - that last part,of course, made me laugh. :lol: You are so quick!

Guess what I found? Amazing what the internet contains - "What can birds hear?" ... m_usdanwrc

from the last page : CONCLUSIONS
Avian hearing encompasses a narrower range of frequencies than human hearing; within that range, avian hearing is less sensitive than human hearing.
Birds cannot hear ultrasound (>20,000 Hz), but some can hear infrasound (<20 Hz).

I had a quick peek at infrasound - some people can hear it better than others - more research blah blah - often felt like pressure on the eardrum. Sorry, did not hold my interest.

FYI - several authors have suggested recording your bird's vocalizations and having it handy at all times. If they do somehow escape, it is supposed to be one of the better ways to coax them back home. I hope to never have to find out.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:12 pm
by AJPeter
That link was very informative thank you Mary, l did not understand a word of it but l think human hearing is between 16khtz and 40 khtz dog whstles would be above 40 and in theory Parrots oculd hear them but not be able to detect where the sound is coming from. Never the less if the parrot can hear for instance a trumpet it might a way pulling them back.

More research is needed.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:01 pm
by MissK
My parrot is very keen on the sound of the treat jar lid spinning. I wonder, however, if he were loose outside and the sound were amplified for him, how would he locate the speaker?

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:03 pm
by AJPeter
It is an interesting thought MissK we need some way other than calling to contact our flock if they do a runner, maybe they have a favourite tune we could play on the hifi, cannot say Billie has a favourite tune she gets classical music whether she likes it of not, most of the time she pretends it is not there.

I have just bought some plastic netting to put over the window not to keep her in because a couple of chomps and she would be out but as way to stop her just flying out of an open window, a first line of defense. But maybe instead of looking for the recall we ought to be looking for ways to make sure they cannot escape. Ball and chain maybe.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:49 am
by SkyeBerry
AJPeter - I must confess. I went straight to the conclusion. :oops: There were quite a few other articles if you want to look into this further.

Oh, I just read your last post. 'Ball and chain.' Tsk tsk. I know you are just joking but it used to sadden me to see parrots chained to their perches. But I agree. Doing everything to prevent escape is preferable than trying a capture outdoors. I do not ever want to experience that kind of loss.

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:56 am
by SkyeBerry
MissK - In your case, I suggest a very large picture of the treat jar with lid removed be placed by the speaker with the actual jar also there. :wink:

Re: ultra high sound

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:52 pm
by AJPeter
We had a Blue/yellow Macaw in a large cage in the pet shop at one time they wanted to put him on a t-bar with a chain to stop him fying away as the front of the shop was always open between 8 am and 7 pm but becasue the parrot had a nasty bite they kept him in a cage/