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gum tree perchs safe ?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:51 pm
by new too irns :)
hi just curious if any1 know if its safe for me too use gum tree perchs for my irn :)

Re: gum tree perchs safe ?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:24 pm
by ellieelectrons
I recently put what I think is a Melaleuca branch in my bird's cage and it has been fine. It is my understanding that Eucalyptus trees (gum trees) are generally fine, although I recently read that ti-tree (I don't think that's a type of gum-tree) has poisonous sap(?) but is okay if you strip it of its leaves?

Trees with loose bark (eg. paperbark, bottlebrush) are good to use because they can have fun stripping the bark.

If you google for poisonous trees for parrots, there are a number of websites that have lists. I haven't found a penultimate, trustworthy site. However, you can look for similarities and differences between sites and that should be helpful.


Re: gum tree perchs safe ?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:25 pm
by ellieelectrons
Some more information, copied from suggesting you remove the leaves:


Eucalyptus branches are popular "chew branches" amongst aviculturists. It is best to remove eucalyptus leaves as they may be contaminated with Aspergillosis spores.

It has also been stated that there might a potential toxicity as far as the seeds and leaves are concerned. Plant Experts provide contradictory information probably due to the fact that there are so many different Eucalyptus species in existence (close to a thousand). Not all have been tested for toxicities. Most are likely to contain some chemicals that could cause digestive issues for those sensitive to those chemicals. Even the more toxic species probably aren't toxic enough to be considered really dangerous plants. Although I did hear of one parrot poisoning after eating Eucalyptus seeds, while many others are eating these without any problems.

Many breeders have been using various Eucalyptus species in their aviaries and flights without any problems (including myself)

Dr. Rob Marshall, a renowned and well-published avian vet and breeder in Australia, writes as follows: "The wild budgerigar has evolved alongside the Eucalypt tree and over a million years has developed an intimate bond with the tree and its leaves. Wet eucalypt leaves excite and invigorate both the wild and aviary budgerigar into a frenzy of joy. They love to bath in the wet leaves and breeding hens destructively chew the bark searching for trace elements and lysine, the breeding protein. The eucalyptus oil from the leaves has medicinal properties that stimulate the immune system and promote a strong natural resistance to disease.""

Please note that Eucalyptus Essential Oil is another story. They concentrate secondary chemicals into a medicinal oil, thus increasing the toxic effect. Eucalyptus Essential Oil is non-edible and poisonous to humans (if ingested) and should NOT be used on or around birds.

Re: gum tree perchs safe ?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:04 pm
by new too irns :)
thanks alot for the inpute :) it really helped.turned out they are fine for him :P