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Post by alexander6 »

has anyone who has an irn ever developed an allergy to it as i think i might have done but don,t want to get rid of her, any ideas of what i can do, i have read that bathing helps but she wont go near water except to drink and goes mad if we spray her
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Re: help

Post by ellieelectrons »

My doctor did an allergy test and found that I was not allergic to birds. She found I am allergic to dust and cockroach poop. I suggest you get some allergy tests to know for sure. I think most bird allergies are to do with their dander (see

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Re: help

Post by AJPeter »

I have had Billie for 3 months and l have a rash on my hands, like dermatitis it is more painful in water than out and of course painful when Billie sits on my hands she is very understanding and will sit on my jumper.
A cortisone cream such as Canesten will help alexander6 but the rash will subside and eventually go if you take sensible precautions, keep your hands out of soapy dishes water, use a barrier cream, and a good hand cream, wash your hands more frequently than normal, normal for me was once a day, now everytime l handle Billie and at least 4 times a day. l use an anti bacterial soap. And l am pleased to say the rash is not so irritating as it was.
Billie is resigned to being sprayed, he hates the tee tree oll as soon as she sees the can she looks very frightened, she used to skinny dip in her water bowl but l read somewhere on this forum that oats were very good for her so l filled her water bowl with some oats but they looked so disgusting l topped it up with some museli, when l vacuumed the floor this morning she dived for her water bowl but of course could not skinny dip in that so she went down to her indoor swimming pool (dog's bowl) and dipped a foot in but decided to give the swim a miss today, she had to settle for a spray.
Most people are allergic to Cockroach poo, l onse saw a football ashphalt pitch covered in swarming cockroaches they make a wicked noise it reminded me of a Dr Quatermass movie l once saw.
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