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Mass Escape

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:36 am
by Donovan
I met someone recently who was breeding quakers. I told him about my IRN and he said he onced raised them but they were too much trouble. He had about 20 of them in separate cages.
One day one of them managed to get out. The bird went around and unlatched all the other cages and -every- IRN escaped.
The next morning all but two had returned and were in their cages with the doors wide open, waiting to be fed.

Re: Mass Escape

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:58 pm
by ranechild
One thing can be counted on... IRNs are little piggies!

Re: Mass Escape

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:59 pm
by Ring0Neck
Hmmm, They are smart but that is over the top.
A more logical explanation is some human did this shameful thing God only knows why but no bird no matter how inteligent can do such thing. They are known to open their own cage door however i doubt it freed the others.

Re: Mass Escape

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:12 pm
by Donovan
I tend to agree. The guy had no neighbors though.... out in the country... and the cage doors were simple hook latches.. Truth be known it was probably one or two that he let out and the guy talking to me poured the story on pretty thick and made it into all of his birds haha..

either way i enjoyed the story.. and it wasn't about freedom for the bird.. it was about the latch.. something shiny to play with.

Re: Mass Escape

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:09 am
by zentoucan
I not sure if I would be so quick to dis-believe this story. if the IRN's have been watching the breeder opening and closing the cage doors and the doors were only locked with a simple latch. Then why not, after all we are always saying how intelligent parrots are. parrots have been known to open their cage doors with simple latches. but I do find it a bit stretched that one bird was responsible. I believe that if this did happen, then maybe more then one bird released their mates or they followed suit and released themselves.
I'm not saying it did happen, but believe it is possible.

There is a species of parrot in New Zealand called a Kea and it is a master problem and puzzle solver and works singly or in groups. there is some amazing videos of these birds in action.