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Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:09 pm
by Doodlebug
Hi all, as some of you know, I have had my Doodlebug for some weeks now and after much stress and obsessiveness on my part he is settling in nicely. I am in the process of target training him around his cage but he hasn't come out as yet but will soon God willing.

His present cage is awkward and impractical and I got it from the breeder. I have now bought a much more suitable one, larger and has all the right functions in all the right places, my question is, other than placing it where he can see it for a while during this training etc, should I just one day expect him to 'move in' to this one? Will his behaviour and learnt stuff deteriorate? Will he protest or go off his food?

Maybe I am worrying unecessarily again but I just want the transition to be as painless and smooth as possible for my baby Dudes :)

Thanks for any input, Loo :)

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:23 pm
by MissK
This is hardly the same thing, but when I brought Rocky home, he was all I brought. He left his old family, old cage, old perch (single!) and bowls, and his one untouched block of wood. The very next day I took him to a vet for a bunch of "abuse". As far as I could tell he took it all in stride.

He did seem afraid of his perches, which were a different material, but it could have been because he had only ever had ONE and didn't know how to go from one to another..... But within a night or two he seemed to have totally adjusted to the cage.

One Bird's Story.


Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:16 pm
by InTheAir
Hey loo,

Your doing good, don't worry. As miss k said, irn's are pretty adaptable.
If you can let him out to have playtime on the new cage it may be nice for him before he goes in it, but I doubt the actual cage is likely to traumatise him much. If you can put some familiar perches and toys in there all the better.

Our bird has never objected to different cages, but he does get freaked out by some new toys if they are introduced too fast. Though when we go on trips, his special sleepy perch needs to be placed in the travel cage or he gets upset at bedtime. I have a feeling that might just be a Nila idiosyncrasy. ..


Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:45 pm
by Doodlebug
Hey MissK, Claire, thanks for your replies.

I'm not sure any of my perches are going to fit in this new cage as its much bigger. I will put his toys back in-not that he has really figured these out yet! I have hung his preener toy on the outside of this cage which can now go inside the new one, I guess it's just a case of wait and see... I am jumping the gun a bit seeing as he isn't even coming out yet and we seem to keep hitting a block in the target training where you can see he wants to touch the stick but won't, preferring to climb round and round his cage instead. So frustrated right now! I don't let on to him of course... Even now while I am typing this he is right in front of me with a 'well? Where's my treat?' Expression. But if I put the stick somewhere this is what he does!

Cage is being picked up today. But I'm sad we can't seem to move past this stage :(

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:01 am
by InTheAir
Aww, Nila and I run into little training hurdles sometimes too. I just drop the trick for a few days if it's not going well. That always helps us...
The other thing I find is Nila always works best when I'm having fun. If I feel frustrated, but try to cover it up he doesn't work as well. Just remember that, all going well with your birdy, you should have years together so there's no need to rush. :)
Just keep bribing him until he is your best friend :mrgreen:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:51 am
by Doodlebug
Thanks so much for your reply, I always feel better when I speak to you guys :) You all understand the 'one step forward and three steps back' that can come with having IRNs.

I'm super excited about this cage and just hope my baby Dudes will love it. Like moving from a bedsit to a playboy mansion lol! I'm only interested in one bird though and that's my Dudes :)

So you think I should just go for it and swap it over when he's ready? I'm worrying more about this than any of my children's first day at school!! :lol:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:46 am
by InTheAir
Haha he's going to end up a Dudely if you're not careful!
Though, to tell the truth, Nila is the best bird in the world! I'm going to have a problem when we get him a friend, because it will be my bird and I already like my boyfriends bird (Nila) better!
Does he take little toys like wiffle balls from you?
The first game Nila likes to play, as an icebreaker, is fetch. He drops the ball for someone, watches it bounce and then they give it back to him. Repeat for a couple hours...

I can't see why changing cages would be in issue, our bird came to our house with no cage and adapted to his new cage as soon as he got here. He also has a cage at work and had had 2 different travel cages and never freaked out about any of them.
If he seems uncertain about staying in the new cage you could let him sleep in his old cage and play in the new one until he is comfortable with the change, I guess.

- Claire

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:22 am
by MissK
Random thoughts........

When our AC was out recently, Rocky displayed some dissatisfaction with the travel cage. He slept high up, clinging to the wall in a corner. Never did that before in there. So I added a little sleep perch in that spot and he was content after that.

I think you'll be OK with a second bird. I have a lot of animals (though not, AHEM, as many as SkyesCrew....) and I have long found my favourite is whichever one I happen to be looking at, at the time. I could be all snuggled up, for instance, with Little Miss Barky, loving on her, knowing she's so perfect, and along will come Little Miss Poop Factory and stick her nose in. Then all of a sudden, I'm loving on HER, and she's the most beautiful, most snuggly puppy in the world. I could claim Little Miss Barky as my favourite, and I have many times, but the truth is it's just not true.

What is meant by the term "bedsit"? I came across this recently and was stumped. From context here I am guessing "tiny apartment?"

When you introduce the new cage, be sure to put some nuts in the treat bowl. I personally think you should also hang a perch by two ropes or twine, so a swing. Rocky does so well with his, once he learned about it.


Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:21 am
by Skyes_crew
I take absolutely no offense to that :D I love my flock. As soon as they figure out cloning and I win the lottery I can get more :lol: I think Dave should admit that Nila is Claire's bird and get himself a new one :D

A bedsit is like a boarding house. You get a private room with a common bathroom.

I like to play musical cages with my birds. Well not really, but sometimes I have to. If I bring in a new bird that requires more space and I have another bird in a cage that is too large for him I can swap. So far I like my set up now, but a cage that I've been on a waiting list forever for just came back into stock yesterday so there may be some changes again soon. My point is though, that my birds tend to take to it pretty good. Sometimes they're extra quiet for a day or two after the change, but then they bounce back. I think dudes will be ok. :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:58 pm
by sanjays mummi
We let Sanjay out, dismantled old cage, assembled new cage, put food and toys in, and he took to it like a duck to water,

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:10 am
by Doodlebug
Soooo. This weekend or coming week Doodlebug will be rehoused. I have had the new cage in our front room since Monday so he can get used to seeing it. I've put his stand next to it, I've attached a flexible rope perch to the side of it. He is still way scared of the new cage! I have put treats on top of it, I have tried targetting him to it (yeah right!)
So yesterday I took his stand out if the room completely so he has nowhere else to go except the two cages (and the curtains lol) He stood reluctantly on the rope perch for treats but still won't go on the actual cage.

Any tips for more desensitization and getting him to go on it without pooping himself? I'd ideally like him to be in it this weekend or beginning of next week :|

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:06 am
by InTheAir
Put his food dishes and bathtub in there? Leave the door open, put nice toys in there. Climb in yourself and eat some of his favourite foods loudly showing your enjoyment... play with his fav toy in there.
I haven't actually tried any of these methods (except climbing in myself to show Nila the tamarillo I had hung in there was food :mrgreen: ).
Nila has never had a chance to hang out on his cage at work, we just step him up from in his travel cage to transport him straight into his work cage and he has never worried about it. He seems to like his work cage best out of all his cages, even though it's small

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:57 am
by MissK
Hi Loo,

Increase the value of the lure/bribe to maximum and give him plenty of time to stew over it. F'rinstance, I put a branch in Rocky's cage. He avoided it a lot. I hung a cooked ear of corn so he would have to go on the branch to access it. Took 3 days (refreshed the corn daily) for him to be all over it. He did have 24 hour choice of access, though.


Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:55 am
by Doodlebug
Hi Claire, MissK, thanks for your replies.

He is now out of his cage again, I have put large chunks of apple wedged in the bars in strategic places so he has to get on and climb if he wants it. The corn sounds a great idea-oh how he loves corn! And hanging the whole ear will be easy to see and so big and juicy I'm sure he'll have trouble resisting-especially if I withhold most of his other nice treats and refrain from giving him his toast in the morning lol!

The cage is rather large so I might get in from underneath with the bottom out to show him there isn't nothing to be scared of-honestly the things we have to do! Takes me back to the time when I was toilet training my autistic son. He was so scared to use the toilet! He was too big for a potty too so I had to get an incontinent pan for the elderly/disabled and put stickers all over it to make it his. I tried everything to get him to sit on it, luring him with books and putting it in front of his favourite video on the tv, even showed him what to do myself! But he still wouldn't have it. In the end all it took was me putting his favourite teddy on there and making a sssssss noise. Do you know he got right up and sat on it and did his business straight away?! I waited years for that 'golden moment' -excuse the pun! And I was so delighted :)

Off on a tangent now but it kind of feels the same, every new step learnt is a milestone for our precious kids and fids :)

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:10 pm
by InTheAir
Haha I love the teddy going potty story!

There are some pics of my boyfriend and Nila sharing a cage here ... =3&t=17195 just for giggles.

I think missks suggestion may be a bit more practical! But if you and dudes end up in the cage together please share pics!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:20 pm
by Redzone
Skyes_crew wrote:I take absolutely no offense to that :D I love my flock. As soon as they figure out cloning and I win the lottery I can get more :lol: I think Dave should admit that Nila is Claire's bird and get himself a new one :D

Lol, Nila might have something to say about that, he still definitely prefers my company! Claire is like the headmaster lol

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:36 pm
by InTheAir
Redzone wrote:
Lol, Nila might have something to say about that, he still definitely prefers my company! Claire is like the headmaster lol
Face it Dave, Nila just thinks you are a comfy couch with built in chew toys! When he's hungry or thirsty or wants to play with his trick props or go in his cage he comes to me :mrgreen:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:40 pm
by Skyes_crew
Basically your typical mom dad son relationship lol.

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:50 am
by Skyes_crew
InTheAir wrote:Haha I love the teddy going potty story!

There are some pics of my boyfriend and Nila sharing a cage here ... =3&t=17195 just for giggles.

I think missks suggestion may be a bit more practical! But if you and dudes end up in the cage together please share pics!
My kids caught me on camera inside my cockatoos cage. I could be convinced to share it :wink:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:04 am
by InTheAir

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:46 am
by Skyes_crew
For the record I do not recommend getting in a cage with a cockatoo. It's dangerous. Most cockatoos are extremely cage territorial. While I was in the cage I was enduring Mack at my ankles nipping me. Thankfully he's a pretty laid back bird most of the time. If he had been a female I would have lost half of my face lol


Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:42 pm
by InTheAir
You fit in there perfectly.

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:29 am
by Doodlebug
Hey guys, loving the photos! I think all our birds (and one boyfriend in particular lol) are very spoilt in their cages :)

Got Doodlebug in his yesterday, was losing the will to live trying to get him to go on it so we but the bullet, changed it all over and got the large cage ready and because he was sufficiently tired after having been out all day he went in without relatively too much fuss. Well less than I had been expecting anyway hehe!

So as usual it was more of a case of Mummy Worry than the actual event of getting birdy in his cage. The trauma I was expecting was clearly more traumatic for me! :lol:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:12 am
by sanjays mummi
I hate to say "I told you so"....... :roll:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:53 am
by Skyes_crew
Doodlebug wrote:Hey guys, loving the photos! I think all our birds (and one boyfriend in particular lol) are very spoilt in their cages :)

Got Doodlebug in his yesterday, was losing the will to live trying to get him to go on it so we but the bullet, changed it all over and got the large cage ready and because he was sufficiently tired after having been out all day he went in without relatively too much fuss. Well less than I had been expecting anyway hehe!

So as usual it was more of a case of Mummy Worry than the actual event of getting birdy in his cage. The trauma I was expecting was clearly more traumatic for me! :lol:
Isn't that usually the case lol :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:55 am
by InTheAir
Isn't it funny how much we worry!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:33 am
by MissK
Don't feel silly. I have a Canary who, at every annual molt, gets frumpy, stops singing, and mopes on the bottom of the cage half the summer. Every summer I think he's really sick, until I remember the molt and I see a few feathers. Freaks me out Every Single Year. I'm just not that bright.

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:17 am
by Doodlebug
Thanks guys, and thanks MissK for the reassurance-I'd freak out too I think though, when we love our babies we just want them to feel good so if I saw mine in those circumstances it would distress me. Funny how different they all react to moulting, sounds like it really gets her down poor bugger.

I had to keep Doodlebug in his new cage all day yesterday as I had guests round and the door to the lounge would've been opened and shut all day, this morning when I opened his cage I had quite a bit of trouble getting him to come out!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:30 am
by MissK
So he *LOVES* it!

:D :P :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:38 am
by Skyes_crew
Maybe loves it a little to much lol :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:29 pm
by Doodlebug
I'm not sure that he loves it rather than I left him a whole day without bringing him out, or maybe as it was the first time coming out in that cage and it's so far to come down to the door now it kind of threw him? Whatever the reason he isn't particularly happy with his new surroundings even though there's more space, more feeders, more toys, more perches and there's still loads of room. He just sits on the highest perch-which is obviously the perch of choice-and that's it. Occasionally he'll turn around and face the other way so at least at times you can tell the difference from that of a stuffed bird! But even though I had trouble getting him out he evened it up by not wanting to go back in lol. He was out all day to make up for the fact he wasnt let out yesterday. If I didn't know better and had not been on this forum I would have said this bird must be the most spoilt in the world with his cage and toys and play stand and tabletop stand and the over admiration and adoration of his mummy! And I do have more news to share...

He is coming to land on our arms! I say 'our' as he landed on my partner first, as he has developed a complete fascination and obsession with crisp packets! My partner was eating some and doodlebug wanted it so bad that he flew and hovered in front of him like he did with me and the apple. I wasnt in the room so he held his arm out with the crisp packet behind it and he took the bait and landed on him! My partner was so smug when he came to get me lol but I don't mind in the slightest as its another step forward for my baby! He has since landed on my arm and finger and also my son and my partners sons arms so I thank the inventors of crisps for their part in our bird/human bonding :)

Who knew that crisp packets held such fascination for him, is there anything that your fids are obsessed by and go a little bit crazy for?

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:17 pm
by InTheAir
Cool! That's great progress to be landing on you guys.
Nila loves packets too, he broke into his pellet package last night, even though I had left a bowl of pellets next to it on the bench!

To help him settle into his cage you could try easy foraging all over the cage. One of Nilas favourites is an organic passion fruit hung in there. I always slit the skin and squeeze most of the fruit out, so he can't gorge himself too much. He was scared of passion fruit at first so I introduced a halfed one until he got the idea that it was harmless. Snow peas in the pod work well for this too.

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:01 pm
by Skyes_crew
My fids are a huge fan of the snow peas in the pod too. When I change out water dishes I find all the hulled out pods lol. But the number one is the guava. Cut it in half and skewer it. They munch on the seeds. It's always the first thing gone. :D

I'm so happy to hear that dudes is landing on you guys. He's made so much progress. Now find his favorite treat and start calling him to you. :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:12 am
by Doodlebug
Hi guys, thanks for your replies and suggestions :)

I have made some easy foraging opportunities and it seems to be going well.

He has took a step back from landing on us for some reason, any tips?

And his poop seems to have gone from normal green to real watery brown? I haven't changed his diet at all but he has been spending more time out of the cage which means more fresh stuff. I'm worried that when we went away for four days (mother in law checked on him) the fresh fruit and veg that I left for him may have been landed on by flies and given him a tummy bug? What should I look out for if so? He seems to go quite a lot and it squirts out like water. Sorry to be gross! I'm just a worried mum again :roll:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:24 am
by MissK
Make an appointment for the vet and monitor him. If the poop fixes up before the vet then you can cancel.

Bear in mind the poop should resemble the food he ate. If he ate a brown food (like pellets, which has happened here) the poop may have the same color. Ditto for stuff like Blackberries, anything with strong color, or if he eats a whole lot of it.

I'm a bit concerned about the extra water, unless he was eating a really high water content food. When you say it shoots out of him, I feel fairly alarmed. That's the main thing that would have me dialing the phone. If the fresh food you left him sat out for days, then it well may have spoiled and caused trouble.

Keep us posted on Doodlebug!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:52 am
by Doodlebug
Hey MissK, thanks for your reply :)

I'm happy to say things are back to normal today, I've been keeping a close eye on things and been careful of what I'm feeding him. Having said that yesterday when my son was eating his dinner Doodlebug decided he wanted some too and landed on his plate! He first did it to my partner and I was out of the room at the time. (typical) When he told me the story it made me laugh because he explained it in such a way that Doodlebug landed, walked around his plate like it was his right-he only had toasties-and they both looked at each other and thought 'right, well, hello' and both tried their best to carry on eating!

I want to work more on making him hand tame as he still nips, but without so many treats I can't lure him back to his cage, any thoughts?

Holidays are over tomorrow and the kids are back to school, having little Dudes has made it literally 'fly' by! :lol:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:22 am
by Skyes_crew
My birds have a glorious array of colored droppings lol. If I ever needed to describe the color to the vet, well I'd be in trouble :lol: I've found that fruits such as melons cause a more watery poop. Their zupreem pellets cause purple blue poop (they like the purple ones lol) to firm up their poop, give him some banana or pasta. My birds snitch stuff off our dinner plates all the time. Skye didn't get the nickname porkchop for nothing :wink:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:16 am
by MissK
"Porkchop", oh my word! :lol:

Loo, don't let the bird walk around on your plate. On the dinner table is bad enough. This is a health and sanitation issue. Why don't you compromise by setting him up a little feed station of his own, maybe on a nice washable mat? I fully realize it may be an issue top keep him in his own area, but I'm sure you can train him to it. Consistency is key. Maybe our super trainers can advise you on that!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:40 am
by Skyes_crew
Yeah...I believe super trainer Claire used to eat her biscuits in a closet to avoid Nila :lol:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:03 am
by MissK
Oooh, I *do* recall hearing a little something about that. Maybe a Supper Cage?

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:31 pm
by sanjays mummi
Blackberry do do's are rather splendiferous!

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:18 pm
by InTheAir
Skyes_crew wrote:Yeah...I believe super trainer Claire used to eat her biscuits in a closet to avoid Nila :lol:
We have a walk in pantry, very convenient. :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:38 am
by Doodlebug
Maybe we should eat our dinners in the pantry!

Noted; no walking on plates. I fully understand the health issues, think it was just the novelty of Doodlebug actually being on us that made it acceptable at the time. All these lovely fruits you guys seem to get is making me jealous, we obviously don't have as many exotics to choose from in the UK.

Will Doodlebug 'grow out' of biting when we try giving him things? I wonder if there's anything else I can try to train it out. It's frustrating as he must know we won't hurt him or we'd have done it by now, so why does he still see us as a threat? Or maybe I'm just too damn tasty :lol:

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:47 am
by Skyes_crew
It's all that sweet blood :lol:

At this point it's just a matter of time. Eventually he'll come around. Just think of all the progress he's made. You should be very proud of him and yourself.

I believe you can get quite a variety of fruit in the UK. Not sure where. But I've seen people posting from the UK all sorts of different things to try. Maybe they'll chime in here :D

Re: Changing to a larger cage

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:35 pm
by MissK
Locate the Asian community food market.