Play Station

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Play Station

Post by ODIE1 »

I want to build a play station for Odie out of PVC pipe. The weather is supposed to be lousy this weekend so I thought i might as well build him one. PVC pipe is very slippery, and I've read that i should wrap the perches and such with vet tape so Odie can get a good grip on them. My concern is what would prevent Odie from peeling the vet tape from the perches? Also, are there different types of vet tape or are they basically the same? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Play Station

Post by 084bar »

I build my Peanut a play gym out of a tree branch (just make sure it not poisons, you can find a list of poisons tree off the internet). I have made to different ones, first free standing, I can take it any where (it is a bit big but can move) and the other one is bolted to his cage. Ok did need help from Husband but was easy to do, them made some toys and hung them up now he love playing on his trees. hope you come right to make your bird a paly gym

If you go onto you tube, you will find a young lady showing you how to make free standing peaches I use that Idea but with tree branch

the second one I used a ice-cream container and cemented in the tree branch and put the lid on so bird dose not eat cement (what we did was drill hols and put in small twigs so it dose not slip out the cement. (this one you have to allow it to dry, I leave it for a week but three days is fine)

Another Indian ringneck lover and Peanut

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Re: Play Station

Post by MissK »

Hi Ken,

I've had that same concern. People do seem to use vet tape to cover PVC, but I always think the bird might destroy, if not actually eat, the wrap. A better idea for wrap (I think) would be some clean hemp or jute cord. However that will have its own shortcomings.

I used jute to wrap a tension curtain rod, so my bird cold have a perch in a doorway. He likes doorway perches, and it seemed like a sneaky way to have one, cheap and easy. The first challenge I encountered was that it was quite tedious to do the wrapping. Second, there was a little issue in cleanliness. Third, the bird and I discovered together that Rocky likes to cut jute cord! So, that perch didn't last a long time in our house! (It's been replaced with a much better one, a stick that swings.)

If you are really wanting to use PVC, you might rough the surface with your favourite power tool. This would rather defeat the easy-clean appeal of PVC, I would think. I really like what Barbara has done with her tree branches.

I've been very satisfied using wood from plants in my yard. Butterfly bush (Buddleia), Lilac (Syringa), Himalayan Birch ( um....), and wood from my edible fig are all safe woods Rocky has enjoyed. If you don't have any, Butterfly Bush grows up in just one season, though the sticks will be a thin diameter the first year. Plant one! If you have a few years to wait, plant a fig. Not only are fresh figs delicious, but the tree/shrub is ornamental, and once established, it grows wood very quickly.
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