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First time bird owner questions

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:20 pm
by Albert
I have a 1 y/o aviary raised Indian Ringneck . I recently moved into a new appartement and brough the bird with me (he used to be in a different cage at my parent's while I waited until I could move in).

He's pretty anxious around people but has been doing better lately and I can approach his cage most of the time without him freaking out. Changing his water/food makes him go banana's though and he gets quite scared. In the next couple of days, I would like to clean his cage. Seeing as he freaks out easily and doesn't know how to step up yet, I am uncertain how to proceed with cleaning his cage. Should I just take him out with gloves/towel and move him into the bathroom while I clean his cage? I figured that since I have to take him out anyway, I would be best off trying to give him some sort of a nice out-of-the-cage experience and do some training with him. Does anyone have any suggestions about this?

I will also be going on holiday (for a week) on June 7th, and I would have to move him to my parents so he can be taken care of. Would it be realistic to try and get him used to people a bit more/have him step up before then? To minimize the trauma of moving/being in a different location again?


About the bird himself:
He was brought to us as a youngling because he was going to be put down (malformed paws). We tied his feet together and he recovered completely. Unfortunately, he got into a fight in our aviary with some cockatiels and is missing most of his toes (at which point we took him out and put him on his own), though he is managing nicely in his new cage.

We had to find a new place for him and because I was moving out anyway, it just sort of happened that way. I've always liked birds, had a few in the house as well back when I still lived with my parents, and I'll take good care of him. Seeing as it's my first "bigger" bird, I figured writing this post to avoid silly mistakes and tame him in a way that is the most comfortable for him.

I am following a guide on trainedparrot . com and am currently trying to get him to accept treats from my hand.

Re: First time bird owner questions

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 6:19 pm
by Dean0
Trained parrot site is a very good information source, you just have to remember, those birds have been in training for a very long time. That said, when you go into the room with your bird, go far enough to get where he squawks then stop, don't leave until he settles down. Then leave the room, wait a few minutes, then go back into room, after a while he should let you work closer and closer to him. You may try wearing a mild colored shirt in the room, talk to him before you enter so you are no surprise to him when you walk in. Talk to him from another room even when you aren't going into the room. He will take a little time. Patience is key.

Re: First time bird owner questions

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:27 am
by Albert
Dean0 wrote:Trained parrot site is a very good information source, you just have to remember, those birds have been in training for a very long time. That said, when you go into the room with your bird, go far enough to get where he squawks then stop, don't leave until he settles down. Then leave the room, wait a few minutes, then go back into room, after a while he should let you work closer and closer to him. You may try wearing a mild colored shirt in the room, talk to him before you enter so you are no surprise to him when you walk in. Talk to him from another room even when you aren't going into the room. He will take a little time. Patience is key.
Thanks for your reply, I'll definitely give this a shot.

What about this part?:
I will also be going on holiday (for a week) on June 7th, and I would have to move him to my parents so he can be taken care of. Would it be realistic to try and get him used to people a bit more/have him step up before then? To minimize the trauma of moving/being in a different location again?

Re: First time bird owner questions

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:12 pm
by Dean0
Other people would definitely benefit from giving him his favorite treat. If you can introduce a few people to him before you leave him it would probably help. The main thing with new people is to not surprise the bird. I had an uncle that always had visitors put on the same ball cap just so the bird would recognize something familiar about everyone.