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Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:52 pm
by Jessandeli
I have had my IRN since he was 3 weeks old i hand raised him myself. for the first 4 months everything was smooth and fine, he was happy, i taught him to whistle a short tune, we were best friends. but now at 5 and a half months he bites, really hard. not all the time though, sometimes he responds to my "step up" demand, and othertimes he will just bite me, or when i am putting him into his cage he will bite me as i put him on his perch.

another thing he does is chew everything, plants, lamps, handbags, scissors, ciggarettes, anything he can get his beak onto,

i really dont know what to do, each day he is becoming more and more agro, its either his way or the highway.

please help !!!!!!


Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:14 am
by MissK
Please read up on the so-called "bluffing stage", though you probably see it's not really a bluff! And ditch the cigarettes at least while he's chewing everything since they can poison him. You too, actually......



Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:03 am
by Skyes_crew
Definitely sounds like a bluffing stage. You could maybe take a hands off approach for awhile. Still talk to him and be around him as much as possible, but limit your physical contact or let him decide when he wants physical contact. It passes with time, but this is a crossroads of sorts. What you do now may affect your birds behaviours for the rest of his life. As hard as it is, ignore the bites. Do not react to his temper tantrums, and read up on bird proofing your home. Hope that helps :D