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Did I do this right?????

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by nalukaikamahine
Ok. So have been messing around with the gencal [thanks to all of you who gave me information and helped me figure out what I was doing!]

I have the option of buying a blue male/female or a blue pallid male/female [depending on what my little Apollo turns out to be!]

I ran some basic calculations with Apollo as a boy and girl with a blue pallid boy and girl. How come only the females will inherit the visual pallid? The males will all be split to? Does that make the pallid a sex linked color in this situation?

Or am I doing it wrong again? lol

And with the pallid as a male, none of the female offspring inherit the pallid gene?
Can someone please explain this to me?

1.0 blue pallid
x 0.1 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue

% from all1.0
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid

% from all 0.1
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue pallid
25.0% 0.1 blue pallid
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue pallid
25.0% 0.1 turquoise(parblue)Blue pallid

1.0 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue
x 0.1 blue pallid

% from all 1.0

25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid
25.0% 1.0 turquoise(parblue)Blue /pallid

% from all 0.1

25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) blue
25.0% 0.1 blue
25.0% 0.1 grey(sf) turquoise(parblue)Blue
25.0% 0.1 turquoise(parblue)Blue

Re: Did I do this right?????

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:42 pm
by sheyd
you did it right :) Pallid is a sexlinked mutation

If your bird is a hen and you put it to a Pallid male then you'll be able to nest sex as only the female offspring will be Pallids (any males will be normal coloured- but split to Pallid).

If your bird is a cock and you put it to a Pallid hen then all offspring will be normal coloured and all male offspring will be split to Pallid

Re: Did I do this right?????

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:08 pm
by nalukaikamahine
I think I may be starting to get the hang of this "genetics" thing!
Thank you!

We shall see on Thursday! Apollo's sexing results should be back by then. I'm kind of hoping he's a she though! lol

Re: Did I do this right?????

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:08 pm
by nalukaikamahine
I think I may be starting to get the hang of this "genetics" thing!
Thank you!

We shall see on Thursday! Apollo's sexing results should be back by then. I'm kind of hoping he's a she though! lol

Re: Did I do this right?????

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:21 pm
by sheyd
no worries :D It really does become quite simple over time!