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Another new owner

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:50 pm
by jim_downunder

i have some general questions as i have inherited a IRN (yellow - named Chief).

1. How long do they live?

2. How do you tell their sex?

3. when i got my IRN, it had been trained to say a couple of sentences, but i have not been able to get it to say anything else. Are there any ways of training the bird besides repetition?

4. Are there things i should not feed my IRN?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:29 pm
by Guest

IRN's live about 40+ years...some can live a lot longer! I think I've seen up to 60 years.

You can tell their sex many ways. The easiest way is by the ring. Mature (about 2 years old) males will have a noticeable ring around their neck where females may have a VERY LIGHT ring or NO RING at all.

I think the best way to train your bird to say new words is to try and greet him with what you want him to say in a friendly way and if he shows any effort in doing so then reward him with a treat or praise. Also keep in mind that it takes time and if you just got this IRN he may not be use to his new surroundings yet or comfortable enough to want to start talking or learning new words. Who knows, only time can tell some birds will learn and say new words while others will not.

:!: YES! There are a few things you shouldn't give your bird:

Alcohol & alcoholic beverages
Avocado (skin, pit)
Highly salted foods
High Oxalic acid foods (spinach, rhubarb)
Seeds (in quantity apple, apricot, bitter almond, cherry, peach, pear, plum)

Also, if you'd like more information on toxins and hazards to your bird check out this article:

Hope this helps! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:32 pm
by Misty_Anikin

IRN's live about 40+ years...some can live a lot longer! I think I've seen up to 60 years.

You can tell their sex many ways. The easiest way is by the ring. Mature (about 2 years old) males will have a noticeable ring around their neck where females may have a VERY LIGHT ring or NO RING at all.

I think the best way to train your bird to say new words is to try and greet him with what you want him to say in a friendly way and if he shows any effort in doing so then reward him with a treat or praise. Also keep in mind that it takes time and if you just got this IRN he may not be use to his new surroundings yet or comfortable enough to want to start talking or learning new words. Who knows, only time can tell some birds will learn and say new words while others will not.

Exclamation YES! There are a few things you shouldn't give your bird:

Alcohol & alcoholic beverages
Avocado (skin, pit)
Highly salted foods
High Oxalic acid foods (spinach, rhubarb)
Seeds (in quantity apple, apricot, bitter almond, cherry, peach, pear, plum)

Also, if you'd like more information on toxins and hazards to your bird check out this article:

Hope this helps! Smile