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Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:34 am
by Little_Bailey
Hi, Well i try and give bailey all the attention i can, and so does everyone else! but when i do try to play with him or hold him, he bites me! then if i try put him back on his perch he has a tantrum and bites me more! so what can i do? i try and give him attention but i don't want to when he bites...(sounds bad but its the truth hehe :lol: ) please help is there something i can do?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:13 pm
by Neokireina

You could possibly try using treats when you give him attention or also toys, when he lunges offer him a toy or treat rather than your hand to chomp on.
Gradually he should start accepting the toys or food rather than biting.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:07 pm
by birdman5000
i had a budgie that would bite if you tried to pick him up so i would just let him bite all he wanted and not give in or show any negative reaction from the bites and would not let go until he calmed down for a few mins.

it takes a while eventually he got used to it and he seemed to realize that he couldn't hurt me and i wasn't going to hurt him.

the bites where barable but a irn wouldnt be id try it with either leather or chain mail gloves

we had to use them to handle our macaws when i was little

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:57 pm
by birdman5000
im trying this method with a fischers lovebird on my shoulder right now :lol: