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I created a monster.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:41 am
by RaveTomsy
Tomsy has a favorite game. She absolutely loves when I take a small plastic bottle and start gently tapping it against her beak while she tries to reach out and get it through her cage bars. I have no idea why she loves this so much, but she gets so excited, putting her wings up, pinning her eyes and making her little happy noises. I had no idea that I'd created a monster at that point. Now if I happen to leave a small plastic bottle by her cage (far enough away where she can't get it with her beak), she climbs down her cage to look at it, looks at me, then starts pulling at the paper towel lining the bottom of her cage (she knows I hate that) 'til I play with her. She's a strange bird.

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:31 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay spreads his wings and postures when he sees the plastic spray bottle I use to give him a shower. Maybe your chickster associates plastic bottles with a similar pleasant experience?.

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:11 pm
by RaveTomsy
I think it's because she associates them with me, and she loves her mama. :) She even gets jealous of my hamsters!

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:24 pm
by willowisp71
Talking about creating monsters......:)

We've had Skittles for about 3 months now, he's an older bird that we rescued, and has never been hand-tame with us. After much patience and persistence we eventually got him to progress from taking apple from our hand, to taking sunflower seeds from out fingers....right up to recently getting him to take a sunflower seed from our pursed lips, (mainly from me though).

So, we recently acquired a young hen, thinking he needed company of his own feathered kind, (he was displaying lots of male behaviour toward his toys and bells etc), only to find he didn't think much of the new addition to the flock at all!! :( And then it all became apparent, when I pretended to offer a seed to Pepper the hen from my lips......and Skittles went absolutely ballistic!!! It seems he had claimed me as his own, even though he won't let us get too close or touch him :shock:

Suffice to say, 6 days in, and he still has his tail in a twist.....not a happy chappy at all, (you can actually SEE the frown on his face!) :(

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:34 am
by RaveTomsy
OMG, it's the male Thomasina. :D I get the death glare whenever I give attention to any other animal, and I've made jokes while looking at birds at Petco that I'm not allowed to bring home any bird larger than a budgie (budgies and finches stay in another room of the house, where she doesn't go), lest she find a way to escape her cage and claw my face off. She used to go into full "You know you wanna give me attention, mama" mode upon seeing me talk to Cheerio the cockatiel, and when he passed on, I looked at her and jokingly said "You got your way." :D She's still not completely hand-tame, and I doubt she ever will be at the point where I can safely let her out of her cage, but she's come a long way from being afraid of everyone that came near her enough to throw herself off perches and bloody up her wings each time.

She wasn't happy today, because the living room was changed around to accomodate the Christmas tree. Her stand and my chair ended up on the opposite side of the room from where they were. She made her displeasure known, especially when she found out she could no longer sit on the water dish to receive and dunk her favorite popcorn, because the cage was facing the opposite way. Heaven forbid she actually have to make the short trip from the food to the water dish each time! :D After several minutes of her flipping around her cage (she climbs from her food dish to her water dish, grabs the top of the cage with her beak, pulls herself up, goes across it upside-down, then repeats the process to get back to her food dish), I talked over moving the tree again with my mom, and the brat-bird got her way.

I was concerned about having her cage so close to a heating vent, in case smoke or something wafted up through it (which has happened before). After everything was rearranged, the spoiled princess was happy again and all was peaceful in the kingdom.

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:20 pm
by willowisp71
LOL!! Oh, that is HILARIOUS!! I bet she is just pleased as punch, too! I can just imagine the smug look on her face, lol :lol:

The things we do for our FIDs :D

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:57 am
by RaveTomsy
She settled right down and started eating her wet popcorn (strange bird has to dunk EVERYTHING) like nothing happened. Cheeky bird. :) She already crosses that short gap between dishes to ring her bell for popcorn (because I told her to ring her bell if she wanted popcorn...and stupidly didn't expect her to actually listen), you'd think she'd carry popcorn across, but nooooo...

Re: I created a monster.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:05 am
by 19266022
nice story :lol: