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What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:37 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi All

Janey our mature female blue IRN bit me really hard twice today - once on my thumb and once on my lip. Thankfully she didn't draw blood. I'm a bit concerned because I had gone for a long time without her biting me and now she seems to be snapping at me more (shaping to bite) and biting much more often. Before it was quite infrequent.

This is also the first season that I have kept her fully flighted and now that she can fly there, she has taken a special interest in our laundry which is also where the biting is taking place. She is really interested in exploring the room and has taken a special interest in the dryer and the washing machine.

Today when i came to check on her she was right down the back of the washing machine hanging off the hoses. She could damage one and could damage herself if she starts chewing the electrical cords... Unfortunately the laundry doesn't have any doors I can close as this would be the easiest solution.

She also hangs off the dryer door and I have caught her sitting on the towels inside the dryer once. (Note to self: always close the dyer door).

So... I was just wondering if any one has any tips for me? If we bought a nest box would that help? Is it likely that the aggressive behaviours will stop once breeding season has passed (assuming this is breeding season in Australia, I'm not sure, seems kinda early?)?

Any ideas or advice greatly appreciated!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:39 am
by chuckles
maybe your bird is in the bluffing stage??

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:25 pm
by ringneck
I am really sorry you are having these problems. From reading your post it seems your female might be gearing up to breed. You had mentioned that you found her behind the washing machine and inside the dryer. If we analyze this it seems that her instincts are coming into play—she is looking for a nesting site to work. You can go deal with this in two ways—let her nest or don’t let her nest.

Not Letting Her Nest

Inside her cage does she have a tent? A nesting box? A box of some sort? Anything that could be interpreted as a nook? I would also close off all access to the laundry room. It is really important you don’t give her the opportunity to go in there if you wish to ride this out.

Also, move her cage around a bit inside your house. Moving the cage around really helps to stop the female from breeding.
Place her in bed much earlier as excessive daylight hours stimulates them to breed.

Letting Her Nest

If you choose to let her nest, place a wooden nesting box with pine shavings near her cage. Lauren did this with Lola and she was tame but still nesting. Just be prepared for the nippiness and territorial behavior that comes along with nesting.
You don’t have to worry as soon as she is done incubating her eggs she will return back to normal. Lola did and Lauren had her back to normal after her babies grew.

Bonding Exercises

Do me a favor! Don’t put Janey by your face anymore until she is predictable again. Facial bites hurt and I don’t want you to get hurt—or get a bad scar. It is also important you never react to any of her aggression. Don’t even make eye contact with her when she is acting bad as ringnecks are so perceptive of our body language. Birds don’t have full blown language like we do so they depend on watching our body language to help them interpret how we feel.

The most important thing to do is start a bonding program with her again. Let her eat with you during your meals and be vocal about her good behavior. When she is behaving as she should reward her and praise her. This constant pattern building exercise must be repeated over and over. Birds very rarely learn by doing something one time—it takes multiple trys and rewards.

It is important to think in patterns with your parrot. Each interaction should be seen as a block of time. A consecutative amount of “time blocks” equals patterns. Try to get each time block positive without biting. Keep a journal and record her behavior. The overall goal is to keep the patterns positive without biting. Use lots of praise and rewards for anything you want to reinforce. Then you can piece all the patterns together to look at her overall behavior.

Clipping Her Wings

I don’t know what to tell you about wing clipping. I was always an advocate for it but I am now stuck in the middle. I am working on free flight exercises with my birds and I don’t know if I could go back to wing clipping. I really can’t comment till I feel strongly about it—I know you don’t clip so I’ll let you decide what’s right ;o)


Find games or do actives with her. Play is such an important role and keeps her away from breeding. Make foraging toys or just keep her around you while you study or write. Keep playing, playing, and playing with your ringneck to turn her attention elsewhere.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or thoughts please don’t hesitate to ask me :O) I love the fact that you are working through this! It is just like a child, we never get what we want but we have to work through these “problems!”

Always your buddy! Imran :wink:

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:55 pm
by dholari
I was surprised to read this post, ellie, who has always given info , getting into a situation where she needed advice- great !! it shows how we as humans have to still learn to deal with a small birds needs. learning never stops and really appreciate ellie for coming out with problems which could be faced by anyone on this forum. Thanks imran for the lovely reply and hope ellie finds out the root cause soon.
really lucky to have such wonderful animal lovers like you all and thank you all once again


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:48 pm
by McmillanBirds
Hi Ellie

I agree with Imran, I think she is wanting to nest, so its up to you which way you want to go with that. Biscuit, my girl, gets really nippy come breeding season and when she is moulting. It does test your patience and its hard work. I have had a couple nasty bites from her and its so hard not to cry and show her that it gets to me and hurts me. Then its like a flip of a switch and she is back to normal again.

I don't have a male with her though, but she still goes through all the motions. This year I am actually considering giving her an egg or to to adopt, she has never laid though so not too sure what she would do with them.

Don't lose hope with Janey, it is just a phase she is going through.

Warm Regards

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:33 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks for the ideas guys.

She's very fickle right now. This afternoon butter wouldn't melt in her mouth... all she wanted to do was cuddle up with me and let me pat her and when it was time to go to her cage, she hopped in no problem.
ringneck wrote:Inside her cage does she have a tent? A nesting box? A box of some sort?
No, we've purposely not provided those although I do put a tent in there during winter but it hasn't been in the cage for at least 9 months.
ringneck wrote: I would also close off all access to the laundry room. It is really important you don’t give her the opportunity to go in there if you wish to ride it out
Thanks I'll see what I can do. The laundry doesn't have any doors so it's hard. It's got 2 entry ways and I've put streamers over one of them so they don't enter that way but they can enter the back way.
ringneck wrote:Also, move her cage around a bit inside your house. Moving the cage around really helps to stop the female from breeding.
Place her in bed much earlier as excessive daylight hours stimulates them to breed.
I will try that - although the cage is so big - it's hard to find a place for it... and we had a flood in our house so I've got stuff that should be in the rooms we are trying to fix stacked all over the place - maybe all of the extra stuff is upsetting her?

Do you mean place her to bed before it gets dark? My guys always go to bed at sundown.
ringneck wrote:Letting Her Nest
Thanks for confirming that this is probably nesting behaviour. We may go with this option if I can convince my husband that it's a good idea... I sort of feel that if her instincts are so strong maybe it's a bit cruel not to let her breed if she wants to... but maybe I'm just projecting human emotion on to my bird!
ringneck wrote:Do me a favor! Don’t put Janey by your face anymore until she is predictable again.
Yes, that was a really silly thing for me to do. I asked her if she "wanted a kiss" - I thought she stuck her neck out... but she bit me... as I said, really silly! I kinda deserved that.
ringneck wrote: The most important thing to do is start a bonding program with her again. Let her eat with you during your meals and be vocal about her good behavior. When she is behaving as she should reward her and praise her. This constant pattern building exercise must be repeated over and over. Birds very rarely learn by doing something one time—it takes multiple trys and rewards.
We do that regularly any way but I could focus it a bit more. I still do training with both my birds although now that she is more interested in the laundry it perhaps as dropped off somewhat... but I certainly haven't stopped interacting with her. I see this as me needing to modify my behaviour towards her.
ringneck wrote: Clipping Her Wings
This is a last resort for me. We have had her wings clipped - this is the first season I've let them grow out. I love that they can fly places... but I will consider it if there is nothing else I can try.
ringneck wrote:Find games or do actives with her. Play is such an important role and keeps her away from breeding. Make foraging toys or just keep her around you while you study or write. Keep playing, playing, and playing with your ringneck to turn her attention elsewhere.
All of their food is in one foraging form or another... but perhaps I could mix it up some more?
dholari wrote:it shows how we as humans have to still learn to deal with a small birds needs. learning never stops and really appreciate ellie for coming out with problems which could be faced by anyone on this forum
I feel that I have learnt a lot but there is always more to learn... this sort of caught me out of the blue... because before we were getting the odd bite - say once every few months.... but just in the last few days it has become more consistent which was beginning to worry me.
McmillanBirds wrote:

Hi Ellie

I agree with Imran, I think she is wanting to nest, so its up to you which way you want to go with that. Biscuit, my girl, gets really nippy come breeding season and when she is moulting. It does test your patience and its hard work. I have had a couple nasty bites from her and its so hard not to cry and show her that it gets to me and hurts me. Then its like a flip of a switch and she is back to normal again.

I don't have a male with her though, but she still goes through all the motions. This year I am actually considering giving her an egg or to to adopt, she has never laid though so not too sure what she would do with them.

Don't lose hope with Janey, it is just a phase she is going through.

Warm Regards
Thanks for the encouragement Carmen. I won't lose hope... I know that I have to modify my behaviour to produce a change in hers... just trying to figure out what change that is!

Thanks again Imran, chuckles, Dholari & Carmen for the words of encouragement and advice.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:42 am
by ellieelectrons
Ok, so here is what I'm thinking as my approach with Janey.

1. cage overhaul - replace the tree branch with a new one, move all the toys around
purpose: to take her mind off breeding whilst in the cage

2. swap where the cage is located with their gym and move their other perching places
purpose: change her point of view, give her new objects to observe and get to know

3. try to restrict her access to the laundry by temporarily sticking streamers to the entry way frame
purpose: keep her away from the dryer & the washing machine

4. if she is in the laundry be more careful how I interact with her. Always use positive reinforcement when I try to get her out of there and let it be on her own terms.
purpose: If she comes to me then it will be her choice and she will be less likely to bite me. Usually I think her bites are her saying, "stop asking me, I don't want to do that right now"

5. continue foraging & play sessions & try to increase the time spent on these & look for a new behaviours to teach her & new foraging opportunities
purpose: continue to build the bond & distract her from breeding.

Final resort if none of that works will be to clip her wings... but I'm hoping it won't come to that.

How does that sound for an action plan?

Most of it will have to wait until the weekend to implement it but I'll let you know how I go and if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:58 am
by McmillanBirds
I have to admit, you are quite effective on coming up with a game plan :)

Moving the objects around in the cage may help. I know that if I move a pair of ringnecks in the middle of breeding season they tend not to settle too quickly, having babies much less eggs is less likely.

I hope you come right so you don't need to clip her wings.

All the best

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:38 am
by Sweetedge
Hi Ellie - sorry I don't have any advice as you guys all know a lot more about these gorgeous birdies than I do - but that sounds like a good plan you have come up with it and I hope it works out for you as Janey sounds like a wonderful little bird xxxxxxxxx

Trace & Sullie


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:42 am
by sanjays mummi
That is a brilliant plan, you are so pro active!. Instead of just moving her toys, how about treating her to a new one? It does'nt have to be expensive. I swap sanjays toys every few days, he is moulting at the mo and looks really motheaten!, i have him on plumage enhancer and feather up. It seems to keep his stroppy levels down.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:45 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi All

As far as I can tell Operation Janey was a success. Thanks everyone for your help. I'm glad I was able to nip this behavior in the bud before it got out of hand and too regular.

Here is what I did.
ellieelectrons wrote:1. cage overhaul - replace the tree branch with a new one, move all the toys around
purpose: to take her mind off breeding whilst in the cage

2. swap where the cage is located with their gym and move their other perching places
purpose: change her point of view, give her new objects to observe and get to know
So we got a new tree branch for their cage, moved toys around and bought a new toy and changed the location of their cage (slightly) and I moved some of their out of cage perches and gyms around too.
ellieelectrons wrote:3. try to restrict her access to the laundry by temporarily sticking streamers to the entry way frame
purpose: keep her away from the dryer & the washing machine
We bought and erected some streamers in the 2 doorways leading to the laundry which is where she was showing nesting behaviour. So far, she hasn't been able to get through them which is good.
ellieelectrons wrote:4. if she is in the laundry be more careful how I interact with her. Always use positive reinforcement when I try to get her out of there and let it be on her own terms.
purpose: If she comes to me then it will be her choice and she will be less likely to bite me. Usually I think her bites are her saying, "stop asking me, I don't want to do that right now"

When she couldn't get in the laundry any more, she started trying to nest in the tiny, tiny gap between the microwave and the cupboard wall... so I've put tissue boxes and paper towel in front of the microwave to try to stop her from landing there. It usually works but sometimes she will land on the oven towel rail and toss them off with her beak.

I have learned that any space where Janey exhibits nesting-like behaviour requires me to interact with her differently. It is natural for her to be territorial of these spaces and that she won't want me annoying her when she's trying to think about how to nest... so I need to interact with her much more carefully at these times and let the interaction be on her terms. I can use food rewards to try to lure her out of there if I need to.

Overall, though, it appears that I have my girl back. She still begs for pats and loves spending time with me.

Our male, Charlie, seems unperturbed by all these goings on and he's just the same as normal.

Thanks everyone for your help.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:31 am
by julie
If the streamers dont work a decent looking tarp and some velcro strips works well to block an entrance and that way it can be either taken down when not needed and opened easily to walk through. It worked well for us when we painted the house and the birds were up one end and the hallway was sealed off with the velcroed tarp.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:08 pm
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Julie. So far, the streamers are working - it's one of those ugly things that they put up in Australian fish and chip shops to stop the flies. Cost less than $5 so as long as it keeps working, we're happy. The streamers are on a rod that I've erected temporarily so if we have anyone over we can take them down.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:53 am
by ellieelectrons
Janey has been pretty good with her nesting behaviour of late. However, although she cannot fly through the streamers she has learnt how that she can land on them and then climb through (as she is no longer scared of them) and how to knock the whole rod down. It's actually been a source of enrichment for her... a problem to try to solve. I just had to share this cute pic of her, proud as ever of being able to climb on the streamers!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:39 am
by sanjays mummi
Aww! Bless!, and such a cheeky attitude, as if to say "are'nt I a clever girl?".

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:57 am
by julie
Lol shes a clever bugger.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:31 am
by Melika
I once read an interesting solution to giving a nest. I believe it was a parrot rescue? site and they were talking about dealing with the breeding season. They would just give all the parrots cardboard boxes (sized according to bird) to 'nest' in and utterly destroy. When the birds were done with the boxes, they were removed.

Ah I found a similar experience, and additional info, including a note on dietary changes (hadn't thought of that) to help reduce hormones:

It isn't something I would normally do, give a nest, as that would encourage the hormones but in some cases it. Hane's mother nearly plucked herself bald one season, she wanted to nest so badly, until she was given her nesting box. Most parrots come through just fine though (Hane's mom was obviously and experienced breeder and very... driven). Looks like Janey is gonna be fine, from what you've already done. Good work. :)

For Hane, he definitely becomes more aggressive when he is fully flighted. He'll be fine for months and then suddenly get full of himself so out come the clippers.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:26 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks for the links Melika. I will check them out!

Had a horrifying incident with her this afternoon! The streamers solution was working okay for several weeks but then she learned how to knock the rod that holds the streamers off where it was resting (I didn't screw it into the wall because I'm handy-challenged). When she knocked it off the other day she plummeted to the ground under the rod and was dazed for a few minutes before she'd step up from the ground. So, I decided not to put the streamers back up because I didn't want her to hurt herself again... so Janey's pilgrimages to the laundry began again. I'd go check on her every so often - sometimes she'd come to me when I'd come in, other times she'd want to stay. I thought it was okay. I made sure the washing machine had the lid down and the dryer was closed... but it wasn't okay. This afternoon, our power went out because a fuse had been tripped. Janey had chewed through the power cable for the dryer. She was fine - had no idea what had happened... but I felt so bad, I had been negligent in my supervision of her and I'm lucky she was not hurt... I'm thinking it might be time to get her clipped. Obviously our house isn't safe enough to have her on the loose.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:22 am
by Mandiecal
Hi Ellie,

What a close call with the power cord.. Thank goodness all is well and lesson learned.
I was wondering if it was going to end up with a clipping. That's a shame, but I will tell
you that after having the birds both ways I prefer clipped. In my opinion, they are just much
Good luck, Mandie

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:57 am
by Melika
It's unfortunate that we just can't birdproof EVERYTHING. :roll: Silly birds get into everything bad for them. I'm glad Janey is alright!

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:15 pm
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Melika & Mandie.

I bought the nestbox yesterday. Now I just have to be my research about nesting materials, diets, etc. Fun!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:27 pm
by ellieelectrons
So I'm planning to put the nestbox in tomorrow. Can anyone direct me to information about how to make sure I do everything correctly?

I found this thread: ... =1&t=15232 and am planning to follow Rod's advice in here.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:16 am
by Mandiecal
Hi Ellie,
Very exciting time! I bought a breeder pair last year, about two months before breeding season. Creamino male, Albino female proven pair. They had been in an outside aviary. I moved them to inside
and attached the nest to the outside of the cage. I put wood shavings, some hay and half of a cuttle bone on the bottom about three inches thick. It was not long before female started redecorating. Then as season got closer she spent alot more time in there. I live in Florida, breeding season is in December-ish. I fed them all the fruit and vegie they wanted, in combination with pellet ,seed. I saw them mating one day in Dec. then almost every day for three weeks. They were not shy. I left them alone though, only opened the cage for the neccessary. Did not clean the cage as it upset the female. Only the bottom tray. She really started demolishing all the cuttle in the cage about a week before she layed her first egg. Which was exactly three weeks from the first time that I saw them breed. She layed four eggs, one every other day. I thought she was sitting on her eggs right away because she was always in there. apparantly she wasn't because the eggs hatched thirty days from the laying of the first egg. (I candeled the eggs at three weeks or so and had 3 very live babies and one infertile egg). Two hatched the same day and then somehow the third did not make it all the way out of the egg.. Very sad... It was fully developed. I got two identical creamino males!! It was fabulous. Started hand feeding them at 14 days. I sold one because they started to fight alot at 10 weeks. I have the most wonderful male Creamino .. Riley. He is the smartest bird ever. I love him
Good luck!! Mandie

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:47 pm
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Mandie. I've got to get some cuttlebone. Just tried to attach the nestbox to their cage and found that the hooks don't appear to be big enough... so I might not be doing it as soon as I hoped.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:45 am
by ellieelectrons
Ok, got new hooks and the nestbox now attaches to the cage.... however the way our cage is designed it's not going to work. The cage has 3 water and seed bowls. I only use two any way as I hang lots of foraging toys from the roof so I was planning to leave one of the doors for the seed bowls open and have the hole for the nestbox align with the door opening... but when I open the seed door it doesn't rest flat against the cage and the bit where you lock the door in place juts out so we can't attach the nestbox in that position as it won't sit flat against the cage. Our cage is a reasonably large cockatoo style cage. I think it's generally known as a patio aviary. Has anyone else come across similar problems and what did you do to fix it? Any ideas?

For now, when I get them out of the cage, I take them into a back bedroom in our house and interact with them in there. It's not ideal but it will have to do for now until Janey is out of nesting made. Every time I go to leave the room, Janey flings herself at me.... so now I'm trying to reward her for calmness whilst in the room. It's a slow process for a bird who gets very agitated!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:17 am
by McmillanBirds
Hi Ellie

Its been a while since i have read your topic. You have certainly been through a drama or 2 with Janey, I am glad she is ok :) . I know this may not be the prefectly ideal situation but because your cage is large can you not mount the box inside, at the back? how is the boxes hole and door to the box situated? opposte or with the door on the side?

I had problems with mounting a couple of my boxes in my suspended avairies. I dont like leaving them on the outside incase they chew through it so I squeezed them through the door and mounted them right by the door so I could reach in and check inside. The boxes I get have their doors on the side which I find very helpful, because you can then use the back or side of the box to mount against the avairy/cage.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:32 am
by ellieelectrons
Yes, she is our drama queen alright! I'm now trying to use some training techniques to get her to calm down. I'll let you know how that goes!

We _could_ mount it inside the cage, however the door to check is at the back and I can't see a way I could easily check on the box without disturbing it an awful lot. The top lid is not hinged and it's not an easy fit. The back door is quite good but of course we won't be able to access it if we hang it at the back.
McmillanBirds wrote:I had problems with mounting a couple of my boxes in my suspended avairies. I dont like leaving them on the outside incase they chew through it so I squeezed them through the door and mounted them right by the door so I could reach in and check inside. The boxes I get have their doors on the side which I find very helpful, because you can then use the back or side of the box to mount against the avairy/cage.
Our guys are inside so it's not too big a problem if they chew through them. I also thought it would be good to mount it outside so they don't poo on the top of it.

How important is it to be able to look inside? I could ask the guy who made it for me to make a side opening door?

Thanks for the advice and information.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:49 am
by McmillanBirds
The reasons I check the box

1) before they lay eggs some tend to chuck out their nesting material and I have to keep topping up
2)Initially I check the amount of eggs to work out a hatch date
3) If Janey does not come out of the box it is good to check on her occasionally( always scenarios of being egg bound etc although unlikely because she is still young)
4) when the eggs hatch I check up on them at 3 days to make sure the parents are feeding them properly.

A lot of what I do is probably unnecessary but I am like a worried mom.

Would you be able to remove the piece of cage that slots over the food bowl area for the time being and replace it afterwards?

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:57 pm
by ellieelectrons
We did talk about removing part of the cage. Will have to consider that again. unfortunately neither of us is handy.

Thanks. I think you're right, being able to check is important.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:04 pm
by McmillanBirds
Hi Ellie

You may be lucky and be able to mount the box inside and take it down to check every week or so(without jolting it too much), as Janey is tame and probably won't scare easily. She could go either way though, willing to accept you checking in the box, or, becoming aggressive towards you as she has no fear of humans. I doubt that it will go this way though as you have had constant interaction with her.

Hope it goes well :)


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:45 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Carmen. I have a feeling she will be the aggressive type & boy does she know how to bite! But I was thinking, I should be able to affix the hooks to the side of the next box and mount it in the cage... and I _think_ I can make that work. Will check it out tomorrow.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:51 am
by McmillanBirds
I hope it works :)

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:38 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks for all of your ideas and encouragement. I finally managed to mount the nestbox to the cage. The hooks in the side didn't work. I got some extra big hooks that have a long shaft that allowed me to attach the nestbox to the outside of the cage. The long shaft means that that there is a small gap between the nestbox and the cage, not enough for a bird to escape through but it was big enough that I was concerned that they might try to squeeze in there and hurt themselves... but so far they haven't tried. I was also worried that the hooks were a bit sharp at the end but they haven't shown any interest in them... so I'm hoping they are safe.

Janey still shows a little interest in the laundry but not to the same level. She seems happy with the nestbox, so I'm really pleased.

I've got a pile of cuttlefish and a calcium perch for her too.

Now, we just need to decide if we are going to let them hatch babies or not when and if she lays eggs!

The day before putting the nestbox in, I had a particularly bad episode with Janey. She got into the laundry (despite my best efforts to keep her out) and she flew onto the dryer. The only way I could encourage her to get off the dryer was to open the linen cupboard door (another nesting interest of hers). This would cause her to fly at me, land on my hand and proceed to bite and bite and bite my thumb. I knew that my behaviour would cause this to happen but it was the only way I could lure her from the dryer where her safety was at risk as her desire to nest was much stronger than her interest in food treats. Needless to say, I'm so pleased to that we figured out how to mount the nestbox!

... and I must tell you all, that Janey really is a lovely bird. She is extremely intelligent... she does a large number of tricks. Generally, she likes to please (although she also likes her own way). She loves spending time with us. She talks a little and she is usually a loving bird. I can't imagine my life without her. Just thought I should balance all of the negative comments I've been making about her lately!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:57 am
by McmillanBirds
Hi Ellie
I am glad you came right with the nestbox, I am sorry that you had to go through that ordeal though. Its not fun when they bite you. They will always be our beloved pets though. Let us know how things go.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:11 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi all

Janey has been spending lots of time in the nestbox of late. She interacts with me a little but not a lot. This morning when I opened the cage, Janey stepped up for me once. When i picked her up I noticed she was quite heavy and when she stood up fom me onto the perch she stumbled a little. I would have been worried about her being egg-bound had she not been climbing the cage like lightning earlier trying to attack my hands as I gave them fresh food. I am yet to see Charlie go into the nestbox. I think he might be scared of it.

When I got home today my husband said he went to look at the birds but he couldn't see any in the cage. He called them and he heard Janey scratching around and then she popped out of the box. But there was no sign of Charlie and no sounds from the nestbox. Worried that Charlie might be dead he opened the back of the box to look in, which completely freaked Charlie out. Charlie flew out & was all disoriented & he started flying into things. Janey flew out too & pandemonium ensued. When they left the box, there was one egg in there! So we now have our first egg. Rather exciting!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:41 pm
by MissK
Ellie's gonna be a Grandma!

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:44 pm
by McmillanBirds
Congratulations!!!! Fantastic news!!! :D

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:47 am
by Mandiecal
I'm soo excited for you... YAY !! Please keep us posted.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:09 pm
by ellieelectrons
Thanks everyone. A second egg was laid yesterday.

Feeding time can be hard! They can both be a bit territorial when it comes to food but Janey has gone into full attack mode!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:10 pm
by McmillanBirds
Sadly this can be the case. It could have gone either way. I have the same problem with 1 of my pairs, the hen was handreared. Yet on some of my others that have been handreared they just stare at me as though they are thinking "what on earth are you looking at my eggs for?" and then when I leave they make sure I havent touched anything.

A male that has been handreared jumps on our shoulders and backs while we are working in the avairies, he more wants to nibble and taste but sometimes the bites get a little too hard. His female is on eggs at the moment.

All the best


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:21 am
by ellieelectrons
An update: we have five eggs and I think that's the clutch size as it's been four days since the fifth egg was laid. Janey is spending most of her time in the nest and Charlie occasionally goes in there. I must say, after what I've read from breeders on this forum, I am surprised at how often she ventures out of the nest. She never comes out for very long but she does come out quite frequently. I do wonder if she's incubating the eggs enough. Regardless, I'm not really worried if they don't hatch, although part of me would love to have some baby birds, we allowed them to nest to appease Janey's nesting instinct.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:32 am
by ellieelectrons
And another update: Well, the incubation period for all 5 eggs has just about passed us by so I don't think we are going to get any hatching taking place this year... although there are a still a few days left for the youngest eggs.

I'm wondering if I should have moved their cage to a more out of the way place. Given that Janey is a very curious bird, any time she'd here us close by she'd be out of the nest, not for very long, but quite often.... so I'm wondering if that's why they didn't hatch.

I never did candle the eggs to see if they were fertile mostly because she doesn't like me going near the eggs. I'd check on them once or twice a day but that involved just a quick look in the box.

As much as it has been nice spending one-on-one time with Charlie, I am looking forward to getting my little girl back. I hope she is still our tame bird when all of this is over!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:57 am
by willowisp71
Hi Ellie,

I came across this thread yesterday, and read it with great interest, and was wondering how you were getting on. How disappointing if no chicks are born! But hopefully there's still a bit of time...please do keep us up to date.

On another note, I had the biggest giggle when I saw that pic of Janey proudly balancing between the steamers, lol! What a clever, cheeky girl!

Best of luck for the next few days! :)

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:48 pm
by Mandiecal
Hi Ellie,

I havn't seen a post that there are babies ?? If not I'm sorry ! Maybe this was a practice run..
I'm curious if any of the eggs were fertile?

My best, Mandie

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:12 am
by ellieelectrons
There were no babies. She's still sitting on them though. We are planning a holiday in a couple of weeks so we are thinking of removing the box on Monday so that we can acclimatise her to not having it. Is this a good idea?


P.s. I'm not sure if they were fertile as I didn't candle them.

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:55 am
by ellieelectrons
Thought I'd do a 2013 update on Janey's nesting behaviour. So far this breeding season, we haven't given in and given her a nest box yet although she is still investigating potential nesting places. When she first started, I could almost always get her to step up for me when I wanted to get her out of a place I didn't want her to be, but now it's gone to about 80% of the time - I think as the days progress, her instincts are telling her she really needs to find that nesting place. Poor girl :(

This nesting season, I've only had one blood-drawing bite which happened more than a month ago, so I'm pretty happy with that... it's just that now, it's getting harder to get her away from potential nesting sites.

I've managed to almost completely keep her out of the laundry now using clear plastic insect curtains - although she still tries. Once, she's walked in there underneath the curtains but was a little confused and walked out again when I called her.

They've now learned how to fly downstairs and love the very old downstairs bathroom. Today she figured out how to open the door to the very old wall-mounted cupboard that has a magnetised clasp to keep it shut, she's a very clever bird!... she's been hopping right inside the cupboard on the shelves thinking it could be a potential nesting site. It's hard to get her out of there.... so that's another room I think I'm going to have to permanently close the door to (at least it has a door!).

We got a new leather couch this year and unfortunately she's also showing a nesting interest in that. Not sure the best way to protect it.

Any way, that's our update. Obviously I haven't done a good enough job on keeping their diet low in fat and sugar this year to try to convince Janey that she doesn't need to breed this year! So far, though, I'm happy that there hasn't been too much in the way of biting or chewing through power cables!


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:29 am
by Skyes_crew
Ellie...janey will always be resourceful lol. She's got a really strong nesting drive. When I took in my lovebird rescues, I did not want any babies. I separated the females from the males, took out the nesting boxes and absolutely anything within the aviary that they could use to nest with. I found them stripping the wood from their perches and making a nest on the ground in the corner. And lovebirds aren't even half as smart as ringnecks :lol: even if she winds up with a box again this year, at least you can keep an eye on her. She's already laid once so her drive is going to be even stronger I would think. Poor janey. Have you thought about getting her those dummy eggs?

Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:48 pm
by ringneck
You're doing everything right. I know Devri gets a bit moody when she gets into nesting mode. I could not believe it but she gave me a good bite. But, i take it in strides. She is now back to her loving self and molting. It's only a small window before they let the idea go of nesting. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're doing great and to hang int here! :)

Best Wishes,


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:24 pm
by MissK
Hi Ellie,

Sorry you're fighting this fight again. Remember "Nature wants a Baby." I wish I had encouraging words for you, but I don't.
Rocky has finally stopped feeding things after a full six months. If you figure out a fix for Janey, do share, because I'm not looking forward to next Christmas thru July with Mr. Mom here. :cry: At least he doesn't bite.


Re: What to do with Janey?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:50 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks everyone. Skye, when you say dummy eggs, were you meaning put them in a nestbox and give her a nestbox? I thought usually you replace existing eggs with dummy eggs?

I honestly thought this year was going better than last year re nesting behaviour... And it is... However had to share the scary incident from this morning.

After Janey was getting too destructive with the cupboard in the downstairs bathroom, I shut the door to the room, so the hunt was on for a new nesting space. Our kitchen has a thick exhaust pipe coming out of the top of a cupboard. Around it, there is a rather large cut out that falls away behind the fake backboard of the cupboard. I've seen her nosing around in there lots of times before. I was planning to get the rest of their food done, then get them down. Next thing I look up and I can only see Charlie. Janey had jumped in. It's a small enough space to get into but too small to get out of. It's up high (on top of the cupboard) so it was hard to see in there to attempt a rescue.

I got a bit panicky and started calling for Janey in a rather frantic way. She responded to the tone in my voice and attempted to get out but couldn't. I called my hubby, who was able to keep a clearer head to effect the rescue, by putting a tea towel down there and lifting her out!

Thankfully, everyone is well and that hole has been boarded up! When I got her out this afternoon again, she seemed quite content to hang out with me, so maybe she was a bit shaken too!
