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Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:15 pm
by Goodmom42
I have had Paulie for almost 2 years, and he's become very happy here (was neglected at his previoius home). He still doesn't care to be handled, but will step up for me if he gets off of his cage. Recently he started trying to fly to my African Grey, who will have nothing to do with him. This week I rescued a cockatiel from a dismal pet store life, and Paulie appears to be in love. He flies on top of "Rocky's" cage any time he gets the chance. I wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss him or eat him, but he appears to be quite gentle through the bars. Rocky the tiel whistles and sings back to him, and follows him around from inside the cage. I was wondering if it is safe to let them get closer physically once I get their wings clipped? If they were both the same breed, I wouldn't be as worried but one snip from that IRN beak could probably do a lot of damage. Just wondering if anyone else had those two breeds together as buddies. Thanks.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:38 pm
by tlouiselle
I am so jealous!!! My IRN hates other birds and animals. He/she is not afraid of but aggressive with them. My poor eclectus wanted to be friends but is now terrified because the IRN will chase him off of the perch or sneak up and bite him :-(

Give them a little more time with the cage between them and if they seem to still be happy with one another let them have short visits and watch them carefully :-) I would slowly increase the sessions.

There are videos on youtube with IRNS with other birds. There is one in with a cockatiel that is ADORABLE. If you look up "marnie the indian ringneck" you can see for yourself.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:53 pm
by ellieelectrons
I agree with tlouiselle -- but you do need to make sure they are always supervised... and be aware that behaviours can change during breeding season. Although if Paulie is a boy, there is perhaps less to worry about than if she was a girl.


Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:37 am
by Goodmom42
Thanks so much for your input everyone! Tomorrow I will take them in for the wing clipping. As of now, my IRN will barely leave the top of his new cockatiel buddy Rocky's cage & Rocky just sings away to him. So I'm hoping that is because of a desire to be friends. I'll definitely proceed slowly and carefully.

My CAG is just rolling his eyes at the whole scenario!

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:39 am
by Goodmom42
I forgot to mention that I did look up "Marnie", how CUTE is his voice!! And very encouraging to see the relationship with the cockatiel, thanks for sending me there :D

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:40 pm
by Sixty Fiver
If there is one thing that is keeping from bringing home my favourite Senegal it is that I do not know how Lucce and Amore will react to another bird in the house... they are of similar size and think Lucce would want to be friends because he loves everyone and everything.

Amore is the queen here and she has never been very welcoming of new birds (she hated Lucce at first) and her responses to other birds when she has come to the shop for a wing clipping and some experimental social time she has been very aggressive with a lot of lunging and threat behaviours.

This would also limit their ability to fly free in the house as they have free run of things and Toulouse the Senegal is also capable of inflicting serious damage if she is aggressive or defensive although she does not seem hostile to any of the other birds in the shop and is more curious than anything else.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:01 pm
by Scruffymurphy
Hi I have a young ringneck and a budgie that are starting to get along fine. Izzy the ringneck hated my budgie Charlie when they first met and would lunge and chase him whenever he got close But we kept letting them out together for short periods of time and they have finally settled down to the point where they were both sitting on her feed bowl sharing some seed. She still lunges at him when he is being cheeky but not in a Nasty way like in the beginning. Hope your two can get along aswell

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:20 pm
by BirdCompanion
You might be interested in the youtube video of Kool-Aid the parrotlet with Bowie the ringneck. Now, there's a huge size difference! Kool-Aid is asking Bowie to give him a peanut. It's so cute.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:32 am
by Sixty Fiver
A little update as I did bring home my Sennie and she has settled in really well to her new home and is a non aggressive, but very curious baby who is much bigger than my Ringnecks although size is not something that intimidates them.

Still working toward some open shared time with them but so far it has been good as Lucce will come to Talouse's cage with me and talk to her and make with the kissy sounds and when I bring Talouse to the Ringneck cage at the other end of the house Amore (the grumpy one) has only shown curiosity and when he is in his cage, Lucce retreats from Talouse.

Lucce and Talouse talk to each other all day and she has learned "Peek a Boo" and Thank You" from Lucce and can imitate all their Ringneck calls.

I think I am more nervous than I should be about letting them socialize without some bars between them as I know Talouse has never shown aggression towards other birds and Lucce is smart enough and quick enough to retreat... he does live with a moody blue girl after all.

Amore is a bit of a wild card... she is quite defensive of her space so I do not want Talouse flying over and perching where she might get bitten so have to keep an eye on my baby Senegal who is learning how to fly as her wings have grown back and as she has gained strength.

It would be nice if they bonded as an extended flock.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:57 am
by julie
I also have quakers,alexandrians and princess parrots as inside pets and they all seem ok. I wouldnt house them all together though.

Re: Ringnecks with other Breeds

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:33 pm
by Sixty Fiver
A little update as Talouse (my Senegal) is now approaching the age of 2 and will soon be celebrating her first year here.

Lucce likes to come and perch by her cage and makes with the kisses while Talouse will hang upside down and make her happy clicks and kisses although Lucce is very leary and will not get any closer than about 18 inches when he is outside and she is in.

Alternatively, when I bring Talouse to the RN cage she is very friendly and both Lucce and Amore will come very close although Lucce comes because he is genuinely interested while Amore will be on the defensive.

I would like to be proven wrong but expect that Lucce and Talouse will be good on a beak to beak basis while the girls can never be allowed out at the same time due to Amore's territorial nature and by territorial, I mean in regard to her boy toy. :)

I also have a Senegal who speaks fluent Ringneck and can copy every word and sound that comes from the other end of the house.