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Post by Shardia »

Hello, i have a 6month old Indian Ringneck. I let him out of his cage to clean him, and when he was flying around he hit the wall, he fell down but got straight back up, then he flown into the wall again, and hit the floor and this time he didn't move his eyes were WIDE open, i got a blanket and picked him up, i think he was in shock because it took him a couple of minutes to start moving, then i put him back in his cage where he stood on his swing, and was shaking for a few minutes, after about 5 minutes he started going back to his normal self and eating. Do you think he will be ok? Do you think it would be a good idea to get his wings clipped, as im not sure. Thanks :)
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Post by Blueberrybird »

I say CLIP those wings!!
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Joined: Sat May 21, 2011 3:26 pm


Post by phildez »

u dont necessarily have to clip his wings, you could leave him flighted and use a flight harness for out of cage time (recommended). Let the lil'bugger do what comes naturally. IRN's can be clumsy at times, even in flight but clipping wings isn't a solution (its a preference).
good luck
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Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:47 am


Post by Shardia »

Hello! Thanks for your reply's. But him flying isn't the only problem we've got, a harness sounds a good idea, but our parrot isn't very friendly! He try's to bite me through his cage, and entering his cage he launches at me. Have you got any ideas on how to tame him? Thank you :)
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat May 21, 2011 3:26 pm


Post by phildez »

Hi shardia

Well if he's trying to bite you when you enter the cage and you pull away - dont!
Take the bite and do so without making a noise (as hard as it is) or a facial expression. You want him to think that his bite doesn't affect you so that eventually he will not see it as an effective form of defence and should just 'give up'.
Many avian vets/experts will say you ought to treat IRN's the same as a 2/3 yr old child, so you need to let him know who's boss!
Don't be scared of his bite but do respect his cage as his territory.
He needs to respect you and 'obey' you. You can get him to obey you by teaching him commands for which you'll need a bribing tool i.e Treats!
I taught my IRN using corn on the cob (sliced up into manageable sections for his foot to hold) and fresh pomegranate which he loves! You'll need to keep this up daily around 60-90mins per day, until such time that he steps up without treat in hand, which could take anything from 1day to 6months.....
Just remember that although you feed, house and maintain your bird doesn't mean the bird will like you, bringing them food doesn't form a friendship. Its the quality of time spent with you that forms the bond so you need to ensure that the time spent with you is very rewarding for the bird and will make the bird want to get out of the cage and spend time with you. I have only recently discovered that mine likes me blowing on his face, which is great cos its another 'reward' I can use on him!

Anyway must dash but ask away if you need otherwise Good Luck!
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