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new addition! 'Paladin' blue-4 wks

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:44 pm
by lesapie ... 1825_n.jpg
This is our new 4 wk old blue ringneck male Paladin
just thought I'd share. And Zoey seems very curious about him too, which is good, might help her become more tame.
and omg so cute! As I'm typing he's flapping his wings and brushing my face with them :lol: :D

Re: new addition! 'Paladin' blue-4 wks

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:11 pm
by lesapie
Well I really didn't expect to have to bath Paladin so soon, but I discovered that one of the 'warming' towels (I put around the inside of his nest to keep cold air from flowing in too quick) well it had a camphor based smell to it and figured that it would not be good at all for him, so I jumped in the shower tub with him and just wiped him down with warm water and blow dried him to warm him back up again. Adventures of being a bird-mom aye?

Re: new addition! 'Paladin' blue-4 wks

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:00 am
by lesapie
Paladin has begun to realise he can pick things up and he is definately going to be a talker! He chats away constantly! he's sooo cute!