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Shrek Laughs!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:28 am
by Shrek&Fiona
Has anyone else had thier bird laugh? Shrek my IRN picked up a noise that sounded very much like a laugh that he would produce whenever we laughed. This in itself was funny enough but he took it to a whole new level once that made me thing he really understood a thing or two about context. One day my friend came over to visit. She had met Shrek once or twice before but didnt know him well. He had picked up a habit of saying "come here" from my training sessions with him trying to coax him onto my arm with fruit treats. Normally when he says come here you don't put yourself within beak range because "come here" in Shrek speak means "get closer I want to bite you" This time however, he was standing on his water bowl and said "come here" to my friend. I warned her not to get within range so she lowered her face to his eye level but far enough away so he couldnt grab her. He bent to his water, scooped up a big beakful and flung it straight in her face! We were standing there stunned and she was just in the middle of exclaiming "he spat water on me!" when we heard his unmistakeable laughing noise. He was laughing at us! We had no choice but to laugh along with him.

Now I wonder, if trained in the right way, could they be taught to understand the context of the language they learn? I just finished reading a book written by Irene Pepperberg about the Grey she trained named Alex. I would love to test this training method out on a different parrot such as an IRN, they would love the attention and I can only imagine what little House Kings they would be if they could master language further. Now if only I had the time and another person as crazy as I am1 :lol: