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mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:46 pm
by kyleeandlilly
hi, i have a nearly 3 year old female IRN Lilly, she is hand reared, gets time out of the cage daily and attention.she always has rotated toys and fresh branches to play with.
maybe once every few months she has 2-3 days when shes just plain naughty and she knows it, she will not listen...does what ever she can to be naughty like chewing, biting, wandering, tearing wallpaper, attacking! and she will lunge and bite hard and hold on to anything she can. normally her cage is always open when im at home and shes more than happy to just stay in there but in these terror days she comes straight out to be destructive, and acts all hypo.
when i tell her off she will fluff up, bow her head, pin her eyes and raises her wings slightly and attacks again.
usually she is good and can be trusted outside of her cage, but not on these days. nothing has changed her routine is the same just not her behavior.
is there a reason for this?
and whats a way to punish a parrot? iv tryed raising my voice (she just tries to be louder), blowing on her (she likes that), sperying her with water (likes that too), covering her cage (doesn't really work eather)
please help me,
kylee :)

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:42 pm
by Azure
this is similar to BUFFING (although it seems a bit late usually is around the age of 1yr) ... a stage most IRN go through

Never punish your bird
Never raise your voice it just encourages the behaviour!
this is an extremely painful stage of your relationship that can last from 2 weeks to 6 months
the best way is to ignore her behaviour... this means not reacting when she bites hard!
praise her well for good behaviour, ignore bad behaviour...
that is all you can do!
hang in there! it would be good for you and lily

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:09 pm
by kyleeandlilly
hi there, thank you for the reply, i was waiting for her to do her bluffing when she was younger but never seemed to, maybe this is it?

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:33 pm
by ringneck
Hello Kyle,

Azure is right on the money. Let me fist say I commend you for seeking help :wink: . These creatures are really complicated and they are not your typical pet :wink: .

Now, I know you said the pattern has not changed but in fact, you have been changing things a bit without even realizing it just by reading your post. Once she reacts negatively you react by punishing her and you’re resorting to all kinds of tactics to get her to stop—we have to stop this for two reasons. Firstly, ringnecks cannot comprehend our methods of punishment. Rather, they see is as an act of aggression and will respond in the same manner back. Secondly, the more you try to punish your parrot the further you are pushing her from becoming gentile and loving.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s take a step back for one moment. You have to completely break the pattern when dealing with her. No more reacting to her bites or negative behavior. When she is fussy and you are holding her—take her back to her cage and just let her cool off. No need to say “Bad bird.” In fact, don’t even make eye contact. Ringnecks are very smart and look for all kinds of silent signals our bodies give off. You simply just have to take her back to her cage. Once she is doing what she should then praise her with lots of love and treats. You have to go back now and rebuild your relationship with her.

Please keep us updated :D !

Best Wishes :wink: ,


Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:28 am
by kyleeandlilly
awesome thank you very much will start NOW! i will quietly take her to her cage when shes being naughty for some time to cool, thanks to both of you for getting back to me so fast :D

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:12 am
by Azure
happy to help!
although reading over... i do sound bossy dont i? :oops:
just want great relations not one falling appart for misunderstanding (for that's what this forum is for!)

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:49 pm
by ringneck
Glad to help :P

Azure--i don't think it came across that way :lol: It's just with text it all depends on how the person takes it right? :wink: Sounded fine to me:)

Re: mood swings...lunging and biting everything!

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:35 pm
by kyleeandlilly
hey its fine! hehe thanks for the help :lol: