Such a stinker!!!!

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Such a stinker!!!!

Post by tlouiselle »

Sky is about 9 weeks old now. We have had him since he was 4 weeks. Recently he has had a slight change in behavior. I have expected it but I just want to make sure I deal with the situations properly. I do not want to scare him, but I also do not want him to think he is in charge either.

1. He is used to both my boyfriend and I...I do spend much more time with him though. He has recently decided to try to lunge and intimidate my boyfriend at times. Sometimes he does nip, other times it is just a threat. He does this to me as well, but not nearly as often. Usually I ignore it, if he will not stop I have been putting him in a cage for time out (this is a different cage from the one he sleeps in. I was worried he would see his sleeping cage in a negative way if he went there for time outs).

2. I work from home so this spoiled guy is never in his cage. Other than our play sessions he mostly sits out on the lanaion on a play gym with our black capped conure (Oscar). They are so cute. So eager to get outside each morning. When they want in they run over to the window and knock with their beaks :-) They seem to like each others company and call to one another if they are not together. Their "sibling" spats are much less too. HOWEVER, when I am holding Sky and Oscar is with us, Sky lunges at him and when I tell him no he lets out a loud screech.

3. This is my first time hand raising a bird and so I am taking it slow. Sky is now down to one daily feeding in the evenings. When he is outside he is quiet and sings with our other bird, however when I bring him inside he lets out his "hungry" scream very loudly over and over. If I try to give him formula other than in the evenings, he plays with it and jumps away. The screaming does not stop. I try pellets, seed, fruit, veggies, and sweet potato mash...he snubbs them all and wanders around with his loud scream. I can sometimes get him to stop if I distract him with a toy. Do I ignore this cry or try to figure out what he wants?

His loud sassy-ness reminds me of a spoiled 2 year old child. From everything that I have read this seems a little too early for the bluffing stage. I want to make sure I do not spoil him and get the point across that he is not the boss. How can I do this?
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Re: Such a stinker!!!!

Post by ellieelectrons »

Regarding the noise, if it is a baby type mewling noise he is making I'm pretty sure that's normal and he will grow out of it. Our janey was still doing that at six weeks. I went up to observe some chicks that were being hand raised in a petstore once and that set off the mewling too!
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Re: Such a stinker!!!!

Post by tlouiselle »

It is definately the baby noise, just much louder. When he talks to me he makes the baby noise more sweetly as he always did when he wanted to be fed. I think he is just playing with his voice. He has already learned how to whistle. I love listening to him make different squeaks and whistles while he learns.

No I am not a breeder. I have always wanted to hand raise a bird. Though, I did have a parrotlet when some years back that I finished weaning. A pet store sold him to me after I explained that this is something that I have always wanted to do and did lots of research. I love watching him change and grow each day. He cuddles and sleeps on my neck, lays on his back in my hands, and is not shy about anything :-) ...that is his sweet side though. Don't forget our little stinker has a sassy side too :-)
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Re: Such a stinker!!!!

Post by tlouiselle »

Yes I have people that I can talk to :-) Thank you so much.
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