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Another new ringneck owner

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:40 pm
by adreane

I just got an indian ringneck yesterday! She is grey about 3 months old....I think she's a she.. I felt her pelvic bone and the bumps are pretty far apart but I don't have the opposite sex to compare to so I guess I will wait until she is older. I live in Illinois and got her from someone on cl. They baught her from some breeder friends 3 weeks ago and their 3yo African Grey did not get along with her and iit started plucking its feathers so they were forced to get rid of her. They said their bird would try to attack the baby all the time. When I got her she was very afraid of hands. She is fine with being held now because I taught her that hands are not for chasing and grabing at her. She learned step-up in about 15 minutes and does not run from mine or my husbands hands anymore. We named her Turkey....silly name I know but we kept calling her that so I guess that will be her name :D She does have one thing different about her. She is missing one of her back toenails. Not sure what happened but if I look close enough I can see a iny black dot at the tip that looks like tiny tiny scab or something. My guess is that she was introduced to that african grey right away when the other people got her and maybe was attacked and her toenail bitten off :( She seemed very skittish and afraid at the other place but she is doing much better now. I am looking forward to having her forever and enjoying this site!
