Bluffing or territorial behaviour?

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Bluffing or territorial behaviour?

Post by Cloud »

Cloud is now 6 months old, suddenly he has started biting really hard and quite fiercely around his cage and on top. I no longer actively put my hand in to get him to step up, and instead open the cage door and wait for him to come to me.
Is this perhaps just bluffing or just plain territorial behaviour?
As he did not use to mind me going into his cage and has never bit this hard where it can draw blood.

He seems quite calm and less aggressive when i get him out and away from the cage area.
I have been to the vet for a check up he seems healthy according to him and now introducing him to Harrison's bird food.
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Re: Bluffing or territorial behaviour?

Post by Melika »

Sounds like he's being territorial.

For me solving the problem was the opposite, Hane wasn't allowed out unless he came out on my hand. I would use treats or veggies to bribe him so he wanted to come out, but he had to step up. If he bit I just closed the door and walked away. I find he gets a little more territorial as the days lengthen and it warms up- he gets a little moody and hormonal then.

What have you tried?
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Re: Bluffing or territorial behaviour?

Post by Cloud »

He is biting less viciously now, I put the back of my hand facing him so if he rages there is no pain, potentially painful bites feel like little nudges this way. I find this allows him to calm down faster realising his attacks have no effect.
It is possible Cloud is experiencing the same act of territorial behaviour as Hane which you described since atm it is quite warm right now and it is the peak of summer so longer days e.t.c
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Re: Bluffing or territorial behaviour?

Post by Melika »

Also, forgot to mention that when he does become territorial, I prohibit him from climbing around all over the outside of his cage. Supposedly a male parrot will hang out and guard his nest in the wild, therefore a male bird on top of the cage will be more aggressive. For Hane I have found this to be true. I also think part of it is because he knows I can't reach the top of the cage well. :lol:
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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