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my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:10 am
by cds83
Hello everyone my name is charlie I had just got a new bird 2 days ago on Friday she is a female Alex and they told me at the per store she is around 2 years old and that she hasn't been taken home by anyone as a pet yet so I'm her first owner. They named her cruella at the store. I had some questions about her and IV searched on here but really couldn't find anything that I was looking for awnser wise. If someone can help it would be greatly appreciated. But I'm not going to waste my time and post anything else untilled I know some people are interested in helping or giving advise due to posting on other forums in the past that has about 50 to 100 views and no replies. So if your interested in helping me out and giving advise post a reply and we'll will go from there. Thanks

Charlie and cruella

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:12 pm
by jean19
:D ask your questions first ... and if someone can help , i'm sure he will do !!!

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:35 pm
by cds83
Well like I sayed I got her 2 days ago on Friday she is around 2 years old and she is a female alex and i was told im the first lerson to take her home so i should be her first owner and I was wandering how long should it take her to adjust to her new environment. Plus every time I open the cage she starts shaking. If I stand next to the cage and talk to her with the door shut on the cage she will scoot all the way twords me on her perch and tilt her head and look at me she stays on her perch a lot. She will take a treat gently from me but when I try to move just my hand close enough to her, her puples will get bigger and smaller and she will lunge at my hand like she is gunna pinch or bite my hand. Also IV noticed that if I'm just relaxing watching TV I will catch her looking straight at me for periods of time what does all of this mean and how do I get her to trust me to get my hand close to her and to step up and to not jundge at my hand? I was told by someone to talk to her a lot the first few day so IV been baby talking to her I want to be able to great a good loving bond with her so any advise will and would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Charlie and cruella

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:23 pm
by jean19
at first , give time to get her marks , to get to know you , your daily routine ....
for her eyes , it's normal , it shows excitation , curiosity or fear you'll learn watching her .
she spend two years in a shop ... give her time and be patient .
for her trying to bite , well she's trying to put fences , let her the time to trust you , can be long ...
was she friendly with the people in the shop , was she manipulated , going on somebody’s hand ....???

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:39 pm
by cds83
OK what do you mean by get marks and put fences and as far as I know no she wouldn't step up for anyone at the store she would take treats from one worker there that was a female but that's as far as it went and I don't think anyone else messed with her How long will it take for her to get used to her new home or me or how long does it usually take? I was told that if I get a chair and sit by the cage it would Prolly help some IV been doing That but do i keep the door shut or open it also iv noticed when I walk past the cage and or sit in front of it in a chair she will start to shake but stops shortly after I pass or sit down and also IV noticed that she will shake when I even look at her I went to the store a few times before I got her and spent some time with her before I got her and she seemed to do better at the store also She has already hit the curious stage like when I'm eating.g she is curious to what it is that I'm eating.

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:05 pm
by jean19
her marks : where she is , who you are , who lives in the house .....
put fences : limits you can't cross for the moment ... the more she"ll trust you , the limits will go ...
specially if the bite bluf worked in the shop she will try it on you ...

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:17 pm
by cds83
Ok well one time in the shop she got hold of me but it really wasn't a bite it was more like just a pinch and wasn't hard. What are some signs of her getting more comfortable and some of my questions still arn't awnsered I know it going to take time and I am being patient but how long and if I sit in front of her cage in a chair should I keep the door shut or should I open it? I have had birds before but they have been cockatiels and were hand fed.

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:34 pm
by jean19
you’ll see , some will never get completely tame , all depend on you in fact , you'll have to watch your bird and see how it react , they all got their on character ,for example : mine tried to bluf me on biting , i have let him bite , bite , bite again , so he got bored of it and stopped , but you need good skin on your hand :D
my advice could be to read all you can on parrots/parakeets and take what seems to fit for you and your bird. as i said , what’s worked for me , won't necessarily work in your case .

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:55 pm
by cds83
OK thank you does the talking sweet to them work usually or does it help them get more comfortable around you?

Re: my new female alex

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:51 pm
by ellieelectrons
All interaction helps.... talk to them as much as you can.... also, if your bird is inclined to want to learn to talk.... it gives them something to occupy themselves with.... trying to mimic you.

Good luck!
