Need help! What mutation am I?!

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Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Amy:) »

Hey guys,
I got given *custard* about a month ago, and iv been searching for the name of his colouring since. No amount of forum posts have helped Nor the hours on Internet searching! Please help! My baby is still young so not sure of the sex as yet but here is a brief outline-
I have a full yellow head and body, but my body has thi greenish tinge and on my wings are these darker green "scales", All symmetrical.... My feet and nails are light light pink, my eyes are black with the whitish iris and my beak Is solid red.
I have looked up pied/lacewing etc but no results turn up anything even partly Like my baby.
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hi there,

WOW very nice looking bird,
It looks like a hen to me.

The colouring is what i think but Recio normaly gets this right.

pallid dom.pied(sf) cinnamon = (lacewing pied cinnimon.)

What was its parents?

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by madas »

I wote for pallid dom. edged green.
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Recio »


It looks like a green pallid chick with stress lines. Pallid is the only mutation with light head from feathering and body colour is also clearer than in the wild type. It is more likely to be a hen because pallid is a sex linked mutation, but it could also be a male The marks remind me the stress lines ... if this is the case they will disappear after moulting.

This light green body colour is darker than the yellow-green of pallidinos but it is also true that the apparent light green colouring could have been enhanced by the stress lines. If it was the case body colour would become ligther (more yellowish) after moulting and , in this case, your bird would be a pallidino male.

What about a pallid cinnamon? the green yellow body colour in pallid cinnamon should be somewhere between pallid and pallidino. Difficult to be sure in a bird with stress lines. Since pallid and cinnamon are sex linked mutations it is very difficult to get both mutations in the same bird (combo pallid-cin). Could you tell us about your bird's parents and his siblings?

Hope it helps

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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Amy:) »

My gosh! Being a first time ring neck owner that's alot of info! He is still young, but I'm not sure of an exact age because I was given him(in a rather abrupt manner) by a customer at my pet store. "she had no time" and wanted rid of him (hence the stress line possibly being true!) And yes it could b a hen, I have just gotten into a bad habit of calling custard a he. I don't know if it helps or if it's true but his pelvic bones are very close together and he chatters a heck of alot!(hence me thinking male??) I did see it's sibling, it was a light blue lace pattern, but the lady said my custard was a split image of one of it's parents. Mother I think?? Not being good at mutation names or anything I'm afraid I can't be of much more help?! I'm so happy someone is willing to help me tho! Oh and iv no idea of the father!
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Amy:) »

(and just one more thing)..... Is this common or not?! Thinking I want another of the same, but.... As iv never found any similar I'm wondering if I'm just looking in the wrong places, or if they are difficult to locate. Lol did have a breeder offer me $600 he called it a sumthing or other lacewing. Frustrated I didn't write the name down now!!! :(
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hi Amy,

Its a shame you cant tell us what the parents are it would help alot.

Judging by your use of the word lacewing (Pallid) you are in Aus or NZ,

If so the mult should have started now or about to start,
so if Recio is right then it wont be long until you get a clearer idea.

If they are stress bars then there fairly bad normally only on a few feathers here and there.

Regarding the is it normal, well if a breeder offered you $600 and its either what me or Madas reckon then you would have been short changed.

Dom. Pied go for any where between $2500 and $5000 depending on the colour E.g.
Violets are among the more expensive and green the lesser. But you will also have pallid and possibly cinnimon with also not knowing what other gene mutations you bird carries if its a male it can carry more splits then females.

Now if it turns out to be stress bars unlucky but if not pair it to a violet male/female depending on what yours is.

This is the clac for what i reckon.

1.0 blue violet(sf)
x 0.1 pallid dom.pied(sf) cinnamon
% from all 1.0
25.0% 1.0 green dom.pied(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
25.0% 1.0 green violet(sf) dom.pied(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
25.0% 1.0 green /blue pallid-cinnamon
25.0% 1.0 green violet(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
% from all 0.1
25.0% 0.1 green dom.pied(sf) /blue
25.0% 0.1 green violet(sf) dom.pied(sf) /blue
25.0% 0.1 green /blue
25.0% 0.1 green violet(sf) /blue

Now i would hope your birds is split to blue which changes the result.

1.0 blue violet(sf)
x 0.1 pallid dom.pied(sf) cinnamon /blue
% from all 1.0
12.5% 1.0 blue dom.pied(sf) /pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 blue violet(sf) dom.pied(sf) /pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 blue /pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 blue violet(sf) /pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 green dom.pied(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 green violet(sf) dom.pied(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 green /blue pallid-cinnamon
12.5% 1.0 green violet(sf) /blue pallid-cinnamon
% from all 0.1
12.5% 0.1 blue dom.pied(sf)
12.5% 0.1 blue violet(sf) dom.pied(sf)
12.5% 0.1 blue
12.5% 0.1 blue violet(sf)
12.5% 0.1 green dom.pied(sf) /blue
12.5% 0.1 green violet(sf) dom.pied(sf) /blue
12.5% 0.1 green /blue
12.5% 0.1 green violet(sf) /blue

And then the $600 is really good for a green pallid (really good)

Different breeder have there own way to guess (which is all it really is a guess) the sex of the bird.
I judge by the head.

Either way good luck.

Thanks Glenn hope it helps and doesnt confuse you to much
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Amy:) »

Yeah I live in aus! And custards moult has not started yet. Fingers crossed it's soon cause i'm so keen to find out just what it is. So let's see if iv got this right, if it keeps the pattern on it's wings it's the first type u mentioned ($2500ish) but if it looses it's stress lines then it's a green pallid. To put it simple?! Lol and if it keeps the lines I need to cross it with the violet. Jeez i'd love to know what u know. Guessing ringnecks are rather addictive. Well no actualy I'm not guessing...I know!!! Lol might have to keep you updated in a few months wen we complete our moult!!! Yay!!!
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Simply yes thats right,

Now if its what Madas said Dom. edge i have no idea on that and how much they are worth or how the mutation works.

The reason i say to put it with a violet is simple $$$ and looks, (if im right???)
If you google violet pied ringnecks you will see what i mean.

Adictive isnt the word, for a bird they are just the right size and besides budgies come in the most colours.

And what i know is nothing compared to a couple of the other guys/girls here.
Recio can make your mind boggle with the scientific explanations.

Yep and keep us posted on how it goes after the mult.

Good luck ta Glenn
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by SCB -SA »

lol amy i know the feeling of confusion, i have a similar looking birds, and recio and glen were the ones to reply to my post, i had to ask Glenn to translate all Recio said!
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by Amy:) »

Haha that makes me feel better! however I am very keen to learn now!! Thanku guys for everything! U have all been a huge help.... And now I'll play the waiting game until custard moults! :) :)
thanks again!!!!
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Re: Need help! What mutation am I?!

Post by SCB -SA »

its alot to learn and can be very complicated but it is very rewarding when you start understanding! I am lucky my girl just went through her first moult, and i know now that it isnt stress bars, but her markings on her wings!
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