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Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:31 pm
by pinkdevil
The grey (Sputnik) and blue bubs I raised this year, playing with a foraging toy.

Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:34 am
by ellieelectrons
awwwww... so much fun!


Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:18 am
by Tori-Lea
They are adorable. My Fiyero tears up every toy he gets! I can't find a toy stable enough for him.

Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:56 pm
by ellieelectrons
Tearing up a toy doesn't mean it's an ineffective toy (it does, however, make it an expensive one!). In fact I now love it when my birds tear up a toy because it means they are enjoying playing with it. Sometimes they completely ignore their toys (they've only been like that since they've gotten older.) However, I've now taken to buying toys that I can refill in some way. It may mean I dismantle it and use some of the parts in something else or I can put new bits of wood or paddle pop sticks on it or something.

Hope that helps.


Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:01 am
by Tori-Lea
Thanks. I was worried about the paddle pop sticks though because of splinters.

Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:12 am
by ellieelectrons
Any untreated wood from a suitable tree (I think there is a list of unpoisonous trees on this site) is ok for your birds. I don't think you need to worry about splinters (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Birds are used to hanging out on trees and don't seem to get splinters.

Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:26 pm
by Ring Neck
Very nice video of the baby IRNs , did they all get a home or did you keep them?

Re: Blue and grey bubs now all grown up

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:23 am
by pinkdevil
Thanks ring neck. The blue bub found a new home while the grey one is still with me, talks now. :)

I have seen shred-able toys for sale that have paddle pop sticks in them for foraging.