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Riding in Style... Pimped out ride....

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:34 am
by SCB -SA
My special babies favourite ride... The cat! Kitty has no choice but to sit, look pretty and have his ears, whiskers, fur and tail pulled... LOL. Thought you may enjoy this!

Re: Riding in Style... Pimped out ride....

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:42 pm
by pinkdevil
That is one placid cat!
I have to lock my cat in her room when I have the birds out, just to be sure and safe. I am sure given half the chance, the cat, (Freebee), would love birdie on the menu when I am not looking. :evil:

Re: Riding in Style... Pimped out ride....

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:57 pm
by twippa
Hahaha!!! Totally pimped out!! I love it, my cat was pretty cool in the beginning but after a few swift bites to her tail I can see she is just waiting for the opportunity to eat Indii lol so I lock her out now... Having said that when Indii is in her cage Lola sleeps on the windowsill right up against it and they have the most comedic interactions!!

Great pic!!

Re: Riding in Style... Pimped out ride....

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:29 am
by SCB -SA
We rolling, we hating, patrolling they be trying ta catch me riding diiiiiiirty!! My cats have learnt, feathers are friends, not FOOD! both my kitties were 6 months old when we got the birds so they kinda grew up together, and i tuest my cats completely with my birds, the birds will be all over the house, and they actually pick on the cats, go and squeeze their nose or bite their tail while they walk around the floor and ive never had to worry....

Re: Riding in Style... Pimped out ride....

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:39 am
by Lilly
My cat is the same... quite happily interact with the bird and my dog too, they are all friends. My IRN is actually the most bossy!