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Selling Babies

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:17 am
by Louie
I have a question for all you IRN Breeders in Australia (NSW in particular but answers from anywhere in Australia will be greatly appreciated): Do you find it easy to sell chicks to new homes? (as handreared pets, parent raised breeders or both(please specify which you breed/sell)) Thankyou in advance for any replies, they are greatly appreciated.

Re: Selling Babies

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:55 pm
by Lochie94
Hi I don't sell ring necks however I do sell our African lovebirds either as avarian or ppl collect from nest and raise themselves. I just don't have the time to handraise as I have 3 children and work fulltime but I have no problems selling them. I don't even use the paper I use fb sell pages etc although the lovebirds don't sell for the same prices but if a buyer is after ringnecks they will sell. Normally in NQ you can pick up a ring neck between $150-250 privately and over $250 in stores. I know a few sellers in NQ and they seem to sell all their birds. HTH...

Re: Selling Babies

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:21 am
by saaz17
I don't breed ringnecks but I do breed Cockatiel's and it is really hard selling babies as you get really attached, i handraise and I find it difficult as i bond very well with them! But in the back of the mind i know i can't keep them all and i need to make up the cost of the equipment when handfeeding! I use to sell my chicks i sell them for $50-80 depending on their mutation and tameness.. I am handraising two babies now and they are the sweetest gunna be sad when i have to let them go! It isn't just hard for us owners but hard for the birds too! :(