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My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:06 pm
by sc10211975
Hello! My darling, blue, Indian Ringneck is almost 2 years old. He had been talking up a storm saying phrases and a sentence or 2 and for the passed 2-3 mos. Now, he's just stopped. I rarely hear so much as a chirp. A few things have happened about 2-3 mos. ago that I'm not sure if they've contributed or what, but....1) we were keeping a sun conure for a friend of mine for about 3-4 weeks. His name is Blaze and Simon (my IRN) and Blaze (the sun) are great friends. He belonged to a guy I used to date who lived out of town. They basically saw each other about 1x a month. On a personal level, the guy I was dating and I decided to be friends. During the 3 weeks or so I was keeping Blaze, I started dating someone new. So...right about the time Blaze was here and then left, I also started dating someone new. Is it possible Simon either misses Blaze terribly and I should consider getting another bird or he doesn't like the new guy I'm dating?

I don't know what to do...I've tried showing him extra attention, but I don't feel amidst all this there was any lack of attention towards him. Nothing's worked. Any advice? I miss my little talker...

Re: My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:20 pm
by Melika
Give him some more time and talk with him. And it might sound silly, but explain the situation to him and your concern. Second, are we sure the conure couldn't possibly have been carrying any sort of disease that your IRN might have now (meaning, maybe schedule a vet visit)? My two cents.

Re: My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:13 pm
by sc10211975
Thanks so much for your 2 cents! I will try that...I've been making an extra effort to include him on my shoulder when I'm on the computer or just watching TV. Before I didn't have to do all that, but...I'll give him a little extra TLC to help him out of his funk. I'll also consult the vet....I haven't noticed any other signs of sickness. Thanks again!

Re: My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:29 pm
by bec
i agree with melika explain to him the amount these bird understand is almost freaky
plus the vet check always a good idea bird show very little signs of illness & alot of times by the time they are showing real definite signs of illness its too late to help
it could also be the changes that have happened skeet went through a stage of quietness & refusing to get out of his cage after a fairly stressful time a couple of yeaars ago (evacuating from bushfires areas problems where he was staying then minor earth quakes while he was alone in his cage)
it took him along while to get over that & just as he was getting back to normal we moved house
hes fine now but it took time
maybe he just doesnt like this new guy coz he doesnt "bring a friend for him" like the last one did

Re: My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:12 am
by julie
Has he recently had his wings clipped or toenails clipped? my boy indie wont talk to me if I have had anything to do with clipping his wings, he gets really quiet for a few weeks.

Re: My IRN has stopped talking!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:06 pm
by sc10211975
Thanks all for your stories and suggestions. Perhaps all the changes have impacted him more than I thought. I'll try talking to him again and I think I am going to get that vet appt. I kind of shrugged it off, because his appetite seems to be fine and his feathers look good. But...can't hurt. No, his wings/toenails have not been clipped lately although the toenails need doing. I don't ever do them though, I have the vet do it.

Anyway...I'll see how things go over the next few weeks and let you all know. Hopefully his vet visit will be good. But, then again, I would like to pinpoint the issue and fix it quickly! I miss my little guy and his cute personality! :(